TSA “Top Secret Authority”
Have you ever wanted a top-secret authority to share with your friends, then you have come to the right place. In the future, there will be multiple bases, connected by secret underground tunnels,
which also lead to the wild. Currently, there is a boat attached to a dock, but I was so excited, so I wanted to get it out there! I am sorry for the short introduction, it will be longer in the future, this is my first map. I hope you like my map! ?
This map will be good for any server, It currently only has a boat, but I was so excited to get it out there. I wanted people to come together on servers, be it anarchy, or factions, I wanted people to group up, so I decided to create a top-secret authority, TSA for short. I got the idea when I was on the AMC server, the IP is anarchy-mc.com, either way, I was on the server with my friends, we had a gigantic base. Later on, I decided to turn all 10 of us into a group called the TSA, we had tunnels going to other bases along with the wild. we had a board of leaders, cyber_dude, choccyricekrispy, thomas_rhodes, and finally me, LoliBH. I got the idea from the group we had made, TSA, stands for Top Secret Authority, I changed it into a map to bring people together on servers, and to make more people trust each other. This description will be longer in the future. I recently added a helicopter landing pad along with an accessible helicopter.
I guess all secret organizations need air transport, so the first kind of air transport I added was a helicopter. Here is an image.
This is the interior, it has glowstone lights, purpur stairs, which represent chairs,
and finally, a lever at the front. The lever does not do anything but it looks good.
I will be adding the secret tunnels and the actual building soon. I love mysteries, so
why not add a few other secrets I am not gonna tell you, But be ready, I have started building them, be ready!! ?
-I added a zip version of this world
-I added instructions on how to install the zip file of this world
-I have added a helicopter landing pad along with an accessible helicopter to the map
-I have added a bit of information on the helicopter and landing pad
-I have fixed grammatical errors
Download the McWorld file.
Import it into Minecraft.
Have fun 😀 !
Hello, feel free to add map, skin, and skin pack ideas in the comments,
I also need suggestions for this map, feel free to put those in the comments too.
Feel free to put this map in a youtube video, but add the MCBedrock link,
do not make your own link.
-you may also download the zip file
-then open this folder
-replace USERNAME with the user of the computer, for example
-as you can see I replaced USERNAME with the user of the computer, in this case, tom
-extract/open the zip file you downloaded earlier
-open the Minecraft world folder, which is inside of the folder I told you to open a second ago
-paste the extracted file into this Minecraft world folder
-reload Minecraft, enjoy 😀 !