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Unnamed Explosion Game PLUS (+ Skin Pack)
The sequel to the original map, Unnamed Explosion Game, this version has more features, modes, and maps. The goal of this map is to knock your opponent into the void with various explosive items.
PLEASE NOTE: This map has not been tested on low-end devices.
Look for the vent behind the pillars in the lobby for something cool
Found a bug or have any questions?
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- Three different modes
- New (and highly explosive) items that were not seen in the last map
- Player customization (hats, particles)
- New maps
You can:
- Post gameplay videos of this map on social media
- Play with other people on this world
- Host this world on a realm (if it works, we do not know if this world supports realms or not)
- Redistribute this map outside of this website (sending the file to others via a personal Mediafire, posting on other mapmaking sites, etc.)
creator: ScizorM
Topic starter Posted : 02/02/2021 12:06 pm