
MCPE/Bedrock Unobta...
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MCPE/Bedrock Unobtainable Blocks/Items – 32k Weapons (Achievements Enabled)

Illustrious Member Admin

Unobtainable Blocks/Items – 32k Weapons (Achievements Enabled)

This world contains unobtainable blocks/items. 

Glitched blocks, glitched spawn egg. And for those who are OG we got the nether reactor ? 

We also have the ultimate 32k Weapons.

And 32k Armor!

This world has achievements enabled so go CRAZY!!!

This map has unobtainable blocks/items. 

and 32k weapons

Note: You need a strong device for it to work or else your game will crash. (For the chest)

The shulker boxes are safe to open!

For those who do not know what 32k weapons are:

32k Weapons are the most overpowered weapons you can get in minecraft. 

And we got some cool unobtainable blocks/items which you can mess around with

Achievements are enabled so you can go CRAZY!

 Mess around with these amazing items/blocks and show it off to your friends!

Or you can troll your friends with the most overpowered items in the game or just build a prison full of crazy blocks!



Topic starter Posted : 20/05/2020 10:35 am