
MCPE/Bedrock Void W...
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MCPE/Bedrock Void World for Your Maps [1.18 Compatible]

Illustrious Member Admin

Void World for Your Maps [1.18 Compatible]

Do you have great ideas and need space to get them right? Are you a great builder but you only limit yourself to flat worlds? Don't worry, we have the solution ...



We know how difficult and tedious it is to make a map, be it a minigame, an adventure map  or some crazy idea that comes to mind.

Flat worlds have always been the impediment for many great players in the community, but don't worry, we have the solution for you, builder friend.

A totally empty world, ported directly from Java edition! 



This world was created in Java edition and modified for use in Bedrock edition. A totally empty world.

Wherever you go you will only see infinite void.

10,000,000 x 10,000,000 of empty blocks are waiting for you to make your best maps, your best constructions come true and give everything of yourself ... 


The nether is also empty. In a next update the end will be emptied.

Make sure you put all your creativity into your creations, something great can always come out of a crazy idea that comes when you least expect it. Believe me, it will be fascinating to know each of the creative possibilities you have with this map.


You do not know what to do? Maybe we can give you some ideas, although the final decision is yours.


- A detailed skyblock map, with innovative mechanics

- A classic minigame map, like Bedwars or Skywars

- A great adventure map, you will make loading faster as there are no blocks to load.


And much much more...

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In version 1.5 the emptying of the END has been added.

The game by itself, regenerates the main island from time to time, so it is impossible to eliminate it.


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The map has beed updated correctly to 1.17 version

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The map has been updated to 1.18 version

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It has been created thanks to a totally empty worlds creation algorithm from Java edition and ported to Bedrock Edition with MCC Tool Chest PE.

Be free to do whatever you want on this map, and be sure to share it with us my twitter with the #MikeEmptyWorld. We would be really delighted to see all your creations.


It is not necessary that you give us credits, if you do it is your decision


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To create the world, open the file to import them to your game.

Then go to create new world, select the template and create the world to make your ideas



We update the download link. 

We have slightly improved the featured image. 

We have changed the map version to 1.18.2


Double click on the file. Installs automatically

Topic starter Posted : 09/03/2021 11:35 am
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 19/01/2022 10:04 pm