Remember that old MCPE/Bedrock port of this map from like, even before Redstone was even added in MCPE/Bedrock? The one made by "MinecraftMan132" (no offense him)? The one that was made into a Parkour map? Yeah, it was way too ahead of time.
I made this port back in 2018 as a response to *that* previous attempt of a port. This one tries to stay more true to the original Java map, Complete with working springs, checkpoints and even a working stopwatch.
This is an unofficial Bedrock port of FVDisco's Sonic the Hedgehog map. Everything redstone-related are all reworked or simplified to work on Bedrock, while also adding new things.
- Simplified stopwatch system (based on Comet Gaming's Command Block-based Stopwatch)
- New Start Jingle
- Reworked Springs (uses command blocks instead of TNT Spawners)
- Simplified Checkpoint System
and more...
Another Thing: This is also a bit faster than the original Java Edition map, so things may be challenging.
Standard Edition
[NEW] Forces Edition
Green Hill's lookin' a lot more like Sand Hill right now! There's now a special Forces-themed version of the map, where everything is now 80% more dry and sandy!
Release 8
Standard and Forces Edition
- Minor changes, for the first time in 2-ish years. Springs should work in Survival/Adventure modes again in v1.17.
Release 7
Standard and Forces Edition
- Fixed Springjumps on v1.9.0
Release 6 (rev2) (Forces Edition only)
- Minor Fix
Release 6
Standard and Forces Edition
- Minor Changes
Release 5
Standard Edition
- New Springjump System
- Minor Changes
Forces Edition
- Inside of Infinite resembles Null Space
- Extended Start Jingle
Release 4 (rev4) (Forces Edition only)
- Entire map got even drier
- Re-edited Infinite's face
Release 4 (rev3) (Forces Edition only)
- Forgot to replace the last section of water with sand. (This is what i get for repeatedly rushing my work, lol i stink)
Release 4 (rev2) (Forces Edition only)
- Replaced Eggman's Face with Infinite's
- Improved Jingle
Release 4
Standard Edition
- Checkpoints now change color when touched
Forces Edition
- initial release
Release 3
- Increased Strength on few Springs
Release 2
- initial release
Standard Edition:
Forces Edition:
Have Fun 😉