Creator: Tpops1998
Twitter: @tpops1998
Instagram: tpops1998
YouTube: TpopsInMinecraft
Update on Project:
This is a brief update on an upcoming project I began a few months ago in honor of the release of Avengers: Infinity War. I have built and am almost finished building the Avengers Update for my UKS city map. When I finish I will post the map right here on Mcbedrock. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter for frequent updates on the build. This update is also to announce what the special surprise is that I have been building, which is: THE MILANO FROM GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. Images are below if you want to check it out.
Updated Screenshots:
What's left:
* Landscaping
Progress: 98% Completed
Projected Release Date: May 2018
This looks awesome! Great job on making it!