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Void Galaxy Weapons
Introducing Void Galaxy Weapons, the ultimate Minecraft addon that propels you into a future of boundless firepower and advanced armaments! Unleash the true might of the cosmos with a vast arsenal of futuristic swords, guns, laser blasters, and an array of other awe-inspiring weapons.
Engage in thrilling combat like never before as you wield the Void Saber, a sword infused with the essence of interstellar energy. With each swing, unleash devastating shockwaves that obliterate foes with unparalleled force. Or, for those who prefer long-range warfare, equip the Plasma Railgun, a high-tech firearm that harnesses the power of plasma to unleash searing bolts of energy upon targets from afar.
Weapons Added include
- Stellar Edge
- Nebula Blaster
- Lightsword
- Quantum Slicer
- Lightaxe
- Plasma Fury
- Dual Lightsword
- Warp BladeLevitation Sword
- Ionized Blaster
- Nova Pulse Canno

Crystal Shards are the main power source of all weapons and utilities in Weapons Expansion SCIFI. It is dropped by alien mobs.
Plasma Blade
- Ingredients Netherite + Power Crystal + Iron Ingot
- Recipe
- Function Instant Kill to any mob

Nebula Blaster
- Ingredients Redstone + Iron Ingot
- Recipe
- Function Vaporizes any target

Plasma Blade
- Ingredients Crystal Shard + Diamond
- Recipe
- Function Instant death

Stellar Edge
- Ingredients Netherite Scrap + Crystal Shard + Redstone + Iron Ingot
- Recipe
- Function Sucks in all entities in the vicinity when used

- Ingredients Netherite Axe + Power Crystal + Netherite
- Recipe
- Function Can use any colour of Power Crystal

Magma Rode
- Ingredients Slime Block + Iron Ingot + Crystal Shard
- Recipe
- Function Makes all entities levitate for a short amount of time with fire

Twohanded Lightsword
- Ingredients Netherite Sword + Power Crystal + Netherite + Netherite Scrap
- Recipe
- Function Can use any colour of Power Crystal

- Ingredients Netherite Sword + Power Crystal + Netherite
- Recipe
- Function Can use any colour of Power Crystal

Diamond Final Blade
- Ingredients Diamond + Iron Ingot + Crystal Shard
- Recipe
- Function Cosmic energy blast

Dual Lightsword
- Ingredients Netherite Sword + Power Crystal
- Recipe
- Function Can use any colour of Power Crystal

Rocket Hammer
- Ingredients
- Recipe
- Function

Lightsword with guard
- Ingredients Netherite Sword + Power Crystal + Netherite + Netherite Scrap
- Recipe
- Function Infinite usage

Rocket Gloves
- Ingredients Netherite Scrap + Crystal Shard
- Recipe
- Function Super punches

Plasma Beamer
- Ingredients Netherite + Power Crystal + Iron Ingot
- Recipe
- Function Shoots power beams

Plasma Cannon
- Ingredients Netherite + Power Crystal + Iron Ingot
- Recipe
- Function Shoots energy blasts

Plasma Ray
- Ingredients Netherite + Power Crystal + Iron Ingot
- Recipe
- Function Vanishes target

Levitation Sword
- Ingredients Netherite Sword + Phantom Membrane + Crystal Shard
- Recipe
- Function Adds a levitation effect to any mob it attacks

All weapons are equipable and craftable in survival but also available in Creative mode

Picture of player perspective when using hand blades

Disclaimer: Void Galaxy Weapons is currently in beta stage and may not be fully stable on older versions of Minecraft and some items might be missing. Please note that using this addon on unsupported versions may result in unexpected behavior or compatibility issues. We recommend using the latest version of Minecraft for the optimal experience. feel free to point out any issues to be fixed in the upcoming updates
Changed the banner and added more info about the weapon mechanics in the Addon
creator: Dyno6
Topic starter Posted : 05/07/2023 7:09 pm
Topic starter Posted : 11/07/2023 8:29 pm