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Advanced Swords Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Advanced Swords Add-on

This Add-on adds new Advanced Swords in your game. There are eight super cool swords that you can have in your survival. Each sword varies its attack damage, and its duration. Here are the craftings, attack damage, and duration of all swords, for you to craft in your survival. You will need plenty of material to craft these new amazing swords! You can also grab all the swords with the following command: /function advanced_swords.


Creator: Team Infinite Minds (Twitter Account), Jean Lucas (Twitter Account)

New Blocks

Compressed Stone

This block serves for you to craft the Advanced Stone Sword.

Nether Star Block

This block serves for you to craft the Advanced Nether Star Sword.

Crafting & Details

Advanced Wooden Sword

  • Attack Damage: 5.75
  • Durability: 236

Advanced Stone Sword

  • Attack Damage: 7
  • Durability: 524

Advanced Iron Sword

  • Attack Damage: 14
  • Durability: 2250

Advanced Golden Sword

  • Attack Damage: 10
  • Durability: 1561

Advanced Emerald Sword

  • Attack Damage: 18
  • Durability: 3122

Advanced Diamond Sword

  • Attack Damage: 24
  • Durability: 6144

Nether Star Sword

  • Attack Damage: 30
  • Durability: 9366

Advanced Nether Star Sword

  • Attack Damage: 60
  • Durability: 16384


You can cook used Advanced Swords of iron and gold in a furnace, to get nuggets.




Click on "Download Add-on", and check the "I am not a robot" box. After sliding the screen down, click on the "Click here to continue". After that, wait 15 seconds and after sliding the screen down again, click on "Get Link". Then just click the download button!

To activate in the world just activate the resource, which the behavior will be installed together. Or activate behavior, that the resource will also be installed together!

Enable experimental gameplay in the world options for Add-on to work!


Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13

Topic starter Posted : 12/08/2019 4:45 pm