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BedrockBridge: Bedrock to discord chat parity (bds)

New Member

Have you ever wanted to check past messages from your server? Chat and interact with players while you are not online? Handle effectively issues... all from discord?

Now you can, with BedrockBridge!

BedrockBridge is a bedrock addon that connects your bedrock-server to your discord. This solution is intended especially for BDS (Bedrock Dedicated Server). All you need to do in order to use this bot is the bot to your discord-server, and installing the addon on your bedrock-server.

If you have any question reach us on Discord, or literally in any way!

How do I install it? well just check this yt! (aternos has a different dedicated tutorial on the channel)

And what can I do? let's take a look!

You can install even with no effort through our auto-installer!

Can I customise it? like changing chat and stuff? yes! Feel free to develop plugins for bedrockbridge and share them! Or suggest ideas for new plugins or functionalities!



  • customise.js is the only allowed modification to the bedrockbridge addon.
  • if you are a content creator feel free to share links to our official website, discord, or yt channel. Yet do not provide direct download link. If you are also running a server with the addon feel free to get in touch with the staff on discord to get a few extra features.


Topic starter Posted : 25/06/2023 4:48 pm