Custom Commands Addon
Custom Commands Addon!! Have you ever wanted to make a GUI that lets you interact with and run commands well i did that just for you. use 5 custom commands in your server or realm.
today i made a custom commands addon use this to make 5 new commands to run inside a gui that can run a command in a function.
First How to make your own commands i have a tutorial Below showing how to edit the commands given to make your own.
it works by clearing the new block inside the gui mob to execute a function once a player grabs the new block the command will run and the block will disappear making a cool gui clicked look.
Feel free to msg me on any social media with questions or help.
use the new GUI compass item to click and open a gui that has 5 custom items each run commands when clicked
you can edit the names of each item and the functions to make whatever commands you like yes works on realms and servers this is 1.16 and i have a 1.16.201 as well that dont work on realms as far as i know but try if you like.
This addon is not to download and use as is i developed this for you to change and edit to your liking so yes use how you wish also credit to COLORINGEMY86 for helping me make this addon.
each command runs a function for each block that when clicked in the gui will clear and run the command yes its multiplayer as well running a id system and commands this addon adds as structure pack that spawns commands so you dont have to worry about that i hide them from the world just watch the video to see exp and better understand the addon.
This is a old method that spawns a structure of command blocks when a player joins thats the back bone of this project.
The addon works on mobile and consoles as well its super easy to use and create you own commands.
creator: dakonblackrose
Description update over the how to use and edit features as well as a tutorial on the addon
If on console or mcpe you must hold item then switch off then back to use yes thats my bug ill fix later