Deepslate Generation Pack ( (v.1.2) (Lush Caves Update!)
Do you play Minecraft Bedrock beta and wonder, when they will actually add deepslate caves and all the generation under Y level 0 to Bedrock edition? Well this pack is your answer then! Download it, apply it and enjoy the new deepslate generation inspired by the one in Java edition.
This behavior pack adds new generation under Y level 0, which is already included in Minecraft Java edition snapshot datapack, however so far in Bedrock edition beta there is no interesting generation down there.
This pack includes generation of following blocks and features under Y level 0:
- Deepslate
- Stone (only between levels 0 and -8)
- Glow lichen
- Dripstone block
- Pointed dripstone
- Tuff block
- Brown and red mushroom
- Water source block and flowing water
- Lava source block and flowing lava
- All ores corresponding for y levels under 0
- Amethyst geodes
- Dripstone caves
- Mineshafts
- Spawning of Axolots and Glow Squids
- Lush Caves (Experimental!)
Because this pack adds a new generation to the game, it can impact loading time of your worlds, expect longer loading times depending on performance of your hardware. I recommend enabling only experiments needed for the pack for the best performance. Be patient while creating and loading your worlds.
There are 3 pack options available in this pack.
Without Lush Caves - All added generation features without Lush Caves. (default)
With Lush Caves - All added generation features with experimental Lush Caves.
Above Y 0 - Deepslate now generates instead of stone between Y levels 16 and 0. (made for worlds without experimental hight limit changes)
Without Lush Caves option is selected by deafult, if you want to switch the option, click on the gear icon on the pack.

This pack works on all MC versions above 1.17 including betas.
Following experimental features are needed for the pack to work!
(Caves and Cliffs isn't needed when using option Above Y 0.)

If you want to see some examples of the generation, take a look at the screenshots provided below.
With pack:

Without pack:

Cavern lake:

Some cave:



If you want to join our great community, get involved in development via polls/feedback or report any bug or issue, make sure to join our Discord Server.
This behavior pack is made by Studio IceCraft and restricted under this license. If you wish to share this content with others make sure to credit with link to this post!
Enjoy playing with this behavior pack! 🙂
1.3 Lush Caves update
- Added experimental support for Lush Caves.
- Added experimental support for world without Y levels under 0.
Deepslate will generate from Y level 16 to 0 with Above Y 0 option. - Glow Squids and Axolots can now spawn under Y level 0.
- Fixed bug with desktop.ini file errors in content log.
- Go to the mediafire download page.
- Select file you want to download (.mcpack or .zip)
- Download it.
- Open/extract it depending on the file format.
- Make sure to enable Creation of custom biomes and Caves and cliffs experiments.
(Only Creation of custom biomes with Above Y 0 option.)