This Addon contains many features that will help you celebrate Easter. The are a few blocks and a lot of items that have been retextured to look more Eastery (is that even a word?).
Here’s a list of all the features:
Colored eggs (replaces dyes)
Easter egg (place on ground as a decoration, use dye to paint a different color) (replaces shulker)
Easter grass (replaces Dandelion)
Easter egg tree (replaces Allium Flower)
The Easter Bunny (replaces iron golem)
Chicks (replaces chicken)
Candy (Pez, Hershey’s Kiss, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, Lollipop, Jellybeans, Chocolate Bunny) (replaces food items)
Bunny Block
Easter Block / Glowing Easter Block (replaces pumpkin blocks)
Here’s how you make the Easter Eggs, as many people seem to not be able to figure out how.
First, you spawn the Easter Egg. Next you choos any color egg (dye) you want to color it. Finally you press and hold, right click, or press the left trigger (depending on what device you use) on the egg to color it.
Download .mcpack:
Download .zip:
Be sure to post some pictures so people can see 🙂