Indicator of Life [QLOP] Add-on
This addon will help you know how much life is left in the animal. Addon is very easy to use. Takzhe it works stably without various problems. Now is not rich in such addons.
How does the addon work?
Every time you approach the animal on the top will be the purple indicator animal health, well, if you have a few more animals will appear more indicators. When you are going to beat the animal on the meter will disappear purple beam
What does an addon need?
Does not require an experimental process
Addon supports multiple versions 1.12 1.13 possible 1.11.
Addon will be supported until the latest version of the game. At the moment 1.13. Write all offers in comments or on Twitter.
1. Open the Download
2. Use Filtres on Open with Minecraft
3. All
If zip do so
1. Unzip to the games/COM. Mojang/behaviour_pack
Supported Minecraft versions
1.12 - 1.13