
MCPE/Bedrock ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴠ...
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MCPE/Bedrock ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ ᴀᴅᴅᴏɴ 🔥🔥 - BIG UPDATE!!! NEW: Ice Bending And Level System (The Last Airbender)

Illustrious Member Admin

ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ ᴀᴅᴅᴏɴ 🔥🔥 - BIG UPDATE!!! NEW: Ice Bending And Level System (The Last Airbender) - Air water earth Fire plant metal lightning combustion - Super Powers - magic - avatar addon - mod - New: chat ranks

ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ? ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴇɴᴅ ᴀɪʀ, ꜰɪʀᴇ, ᴇᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ! ɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ 38 ᴜɴɪQᴜᴇ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴇxᴘʟᴏʀᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇꜱᴛʀᴏʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʙᴇɴᴅᴇʀꜱ! 

Basic Info:

With this addon you have 8 unique items. You start with the element chooser that you get when joining the game. If you click the item, you will get a item from what bender you are on, if u click again you will become a other bender! It changes from: Air to Fire to Earth to Water and Avatar with al items plus 1 with exclusive avatar powers. In water you have 3 items, the water bender and the Plant bender and the Ice bender. Each element has 7-5 unique abilities! Some are passive and some aggresive!


Chat Rank System, In the chat it is displayed what bender you are, and what level you have!

Level system, If you use lots of abilities, you will level up and get Xp, nice chat display and Gold Blocks! You become also a bit stronger if you level up!!  You get levelxp if you Kill, use, damage other benders or enemies

This addon is multiplayer! So you can fight other benders!

There is also a Lag Clearing System! Because some abilities break blocks and sometimes lag can happen! If you wanna have NO GRIEF, do this command:"  /gamerule mobgriefing false " All items are not lost on death, so you don't have to be scared to lose any! 😀

If you wanna fly in creative mode, do: /tag <who bv @s for yourself> add cfly

In the picture you see when I press on the element changer (the recovery compass). You see that I am the Avatar and have all items with One extra.


If you hold an item like the air bender you will see the 7 abilities in your actionbar, If you Sneak/shift You change the ability! 

If you Right Click/ Use it/ Long click You use the ability that is on right now!

If you hold the item, you will get unique effects! Everyone gets speed and Jump Boost! But if you are an air bender you will be way faster and jump way higher, If you are a fire bender, you will get fire resistance! Etc!

Nobody gets fall damage because otherwise you will die very quick. 



Air Bender: 


Air Swipe: With this ability you shoot air beams that damage and knock back enemies gthat you hit, you can manipulate the air beam by moving your cursor, cause it follows where you are looking! 

Wind Missile: You shoot an wind missle that destroys eveything in it's way, it explodes when it hits the ground with a huge explosion! You can launch urself if u shoot it on the ground at ur feet!

Levitation cloud: It sommones a cloud tornado like thing that levitates every mob and yourself to escape fast. But you get slow falling and the enemies fall to there's death! 

Spirit teleportation: You tp forward at a very high speed and kills anything in your way! 

Dust Shockwave: You gave to jump and if u right click u get do a ground slam and creates a huge shockwave that pushes every mob back and does a lot of damage! And you get invisibility for a moment because of thge smoke bomb effects! 

Explosive Pulls: You create a powerfull pulse that pulls every enemy in your radius to you and do damage, Super Overpowered! 

Tornado: You create a tornado that automattically goes to the nearest enemy and launches them in air at a high speed! Than it goes to the next target!

When hit:


Fire Bender:


Blaze Burst: You create a fire wave that burns all enemies and destroys anything in it's path! 

Fire Jet: You fly through the sky at max speed and you leave a fire path. If you hit an enemy or the ground itr will explode

Fire Beam: You create a fast flying beam that does damage and if it hits something, it splits up into 6 other fire fracments. This keeps happening till there is no mob left unharmed! 

 Fire Shield: You create a fire shield, if youa re in, you will get regeneration and no one can get near you? Arrows will ricochet and mobs will get burnt and pushed away if they try! 

Dragon Breath: You do a 360 and set everything on fire! Just like a dragon nothing will survive of this power! You will knockback all enemies in a radius!

Meteor Shower: You will create a powerfull meteor shower that will explode all enemies! You better run fast or you DIE!

Fire Blade: If you hold the item you will summon a powerfull fire blade that follows you! You can burn enemies if you come close, and if you do it under you, you can levetate because it's so hot! But if you right click the ball will fly to were you look and kill anithing it it's way! It also lest down a path of fire!



Earth Bender:


Earth Balls: You summon 3 giant powerfull earth balls that destroy anything in their way! It explodes when it finises. If you hit an enemy with the balles they will get pushed back till it explodes


Ground Collapse: You create an earthquake that leaves a big hole in the ground! All enemies will fall in and get killed! 

Stone Misilles: You create 5 powerfull stone missiles that you can bend and control were they go. They will follow your cursor and it will destroy the ground and your enemies! 

Mud Dash: This is an very special and unique ability! You create a mud path were you walk! So you can walk on thin air and double jump! If u use the ability you will dash forward and do a lot off damage


Shockwave: If you jump and right click, you will smash to the ground and create a huge shockwave that knockback and kills all enemies!  

Earth Pillar: All enemies in a radius will get pushed out of the ground by an huge earth pillar! If you click again the pillar will disappear! It does a lot of damage


Water Bender: 

Plant Bendig:

Leaf Throw: You throw 5 leaves that follow were you look! They do a lot of damage and destroy anything in there way! Super effective to kill mobs! 


Butterfly Beam: You shoot an very fast laser beam! If the beam hit the ground or a mob it will create a effect, If u hit an enemy 100 powerfull butterflys will appear and kill it! lo

Flower Shield: This is an very cool and unique one! If you hold the item, you will create a shield around you that pushed back and damages anything in a radius! You can drown mobs if you fly above them because you float trough the sky! If you right click you will dash forward and do a lot off damage!  




Ground Absorption: You create 5 paths in all direction that leave a big path of farmland and dirt behind, all enemies that step in that dirt are drowned by the ground

Plant Bullets: You create 5 floating plants around you, the plants summon a powerfull aimbot beam that goes to the closest enemy and kills it!  


Water Bender:

Rain Burst: You will shoot 4 powerfull rain blasts that do a lot of damage! On the end they explode a bit. Some rain beams will bend and some will go straight! It's so cool and you always hit something!

Water Blade: You will shoot 3 sharp water waves that will follow you where you look! You can bend where they go. If you hit something with the sharp water they will get a lot of damage, sometimes you can hit 1 mob 3 times! 


When hit:

Water slide:This one is maybe my favorite passive ability! If you hold the item, you can walk on air by creating a waterfall beneath your feet! If you right click you will teleport 10 blocks before you! You can't go higher than 10 blocks if you slide trough the water!

when using ability: 

Blood Bending: You can shoot beams, if you hit a enemy, they will get pulled to you and you can control them! You can shoot them by right clicking, you can have more than 10 enemies in 1 time! If you do them underground, they will sufocate!  


Tsunami: You will create a powerfull tsunami that blows all enemies away, and sucks them in! If yoiu hit an enemie they will get a lot of damage and can't move by the force that pulls them backwards! 

Aquatic Pulse: There are 2 varients of this ability, the first time you press, you will throw back all enemies, the second time you will suck all enemies in! Super cool!


Ice Bender:

Ice Hands: You shoot a 3 ice hands that travel to where you look and do a lot of damage! Than they go back!

Ice Spikes: this is a very cool and agressive ability! You create 4 ice spikes that push all enemies back and are super overpowered! 


Ice wave: Ice wave is like a jetpack, you fly to where you look and behind you there is a icewave that kills everybody who comes close!

Frozen beams: You shoot fast flying beams that does 2 times damage, you can spam click for creating many. If you hit someone they will freeze for 2 sec and then unfreeze! 

Flying Ice Wave: The first time you use this, you will create a ice wall, that protects you from any attack and pushes all enemies away! If you press the second time, you will shoot the wall and do damage! 



If you hold the avatar item, you will see 4 rings, a air, fire, earth and water ring! You will also get 7 nice overpowered effects

Avatar Ball: If you hold the item you will create a OVERPOWERED BAll that follows you where you go, you can bend the ball, with all the elements in! If any mobs come close when you have this ball active they will get damaged and die! If you right click you will shoot the ball very quick! If the ball hit's something it will create a massive explosion and kill everything!


when shot: 

Avatar State: This is when the avatar becomes the real avatar! When you are in this ability you can't die. All the element rings will get way bigger and you can fly! When you right click, you will tp where you look very quick and destroy anything where you were! You are a gigantic teleporting explosion


That were the 38 abilities! Hope you have fun! 👍



You can revieuw this or make a video, just make sure you set THIS link or LINKVERTISE LINK! Not the mediafire link! You can't edit and reupload this!


In the Feature: I will add some new sub bending like the plant bening! What you can expect in 1 month: Metal Bending, Lava Bending, Combustion bending (lightning)

So keep updated! 😀


Credits to: GlitchyTurtle for some textures! 😀


  • NEW BENDING STYLE!!!!! Ice Bending!!! 
  • Major Avatar state Bug fixed! 
  • Chat Ranks system and Level up system! 
  • Fixed some issues! 
  • More abilities, animations, sound effects and more!
  • But will add a lot in the feature! like: Metal Bending, Lava Bending, Combustion bending (lightning)
    So keep updated! 😀  


  1. Download it from the linkvertise link!
  2. Open it
  3. Open Minecraft
  4. Put it in Minecraft world (Both packs)
  5. Put all experimental options on
  6. Put education edition on (Only needed for avatar)
  7. Open the world
  8. Have fun! 😀

creator: ItzDqanzAddons

Topic starter Posted : 14/10/2024 10:05 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 31/10/2024 3:45 pm