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Teleporter Addon テレポーターアドオン
Do you travel long distances? Slow and annoying to move around? Try this add-on! This add-on will make long distance travel so much easier!
How to use
If you place the teleporter at the location you want to save in the teleporter, the location will be saved in the teleporter and you can teleport to it!
Teleporters can only teleport with the same color
Right-click (tap) on the teleporter to bring up the UI and select the teleport destination.
Teleport between the Overworld, Nether, and End with ease.
If you have any questions, please join the discord server.
Don’t forget to turn them on at the end
Multiplayer support
creator: tunekeshi 2304
Topic starter Posted : 12/01/2021 10:40 am
Topic starter Posted : 15/08/2024 5:24 pm