🌵☘️ Plant Bending 🌵☘️
This addon adds The Plant Bender into minecraft! You get 7 unique plant abilities, from summoning an Plant Bullets and or Butterfly Beam to and Ground Absorption! Destroy all the other benders! 😀

Basic Info:
Open your inventory and get the Fire Bender in your hand, If u hold it you will see the 5 abilities in your actionbar, If you Sneak/shift You change the ability!

If you Right Click/ Use it/ Long click You use the ability that is on right now!
If you hold the item you will get 2 nice effects! You get jump boost and speed!
And all thing that are near you will grow 50% faster!
The 7 Overpowered Abilities:
Leaf Throw: You throw 5 leaves that follow were you look! They do a lot of damage and destroy anything in there way! Super effective to kill mobs!

Butterfly Beam: You shoot an very fast laser beam! If the beam hit the ground or a mob it will create a effect, If u hit an enemy 100 powerfull butterflys will appear and kill it! lo

Flower Shield: This is an very cool and unique one! If you hold the item, you will create a shield around you that pushed back and damages anything in a radius! You can drown mobs if you fly above them because you float trough the sky! If you right click you will dash forward and do a lot off damage!

Ground Absorption: You create 5 paths in all direction that leave a big path of farmland and dirt behind, all enemies that step in that dirt are drowned by the ground!

Plant Bullets: You create 5 floating plants around you, the plants summon a powerfull aimbot beam that goes to the closest enemy and kills it!

That were the 5 abilities hope you enjoy it! 😀
Made By ItzDqanz!
- Better sounds and Particles
- New animations
- More Powers
- New Update
- Cooler abilities
- page updated!
- More Fun 😀
- Download it from the linkvertise link!
- open it
- open mc
- put it in mc
- all experimental options on
- open the world
- Have fun!
creator: ItzDqanzAddons