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MCPE/Bedrock 28 weeks later add-on v1.0

Illustrious Member Admin

28 weeks later add-on v1.0



This is a port of a mod from Minecraft Java Edition. The mod is very old, released in 2012




The port is unofficial, so the whole idea is not mine



Name: Bio Zombie

Health: 8

Damage: 2

Spawn Change: very high



Common form of infection User, User - Sword, User - Bow

Very fast

His body is slightly bent

Can open doors

Inflicts spell effect slowness 1 second when attacking

Makes screaming sounds when burning

Drops infected flesh on death

Has low knockback


Name: Bio Zombie Host

Health: 8

Damage: 2

Spawn Change: very high


Arms up like a zombie

Speed ​​faster than Bio Zombie

Same as Bio Zombie

Inflicts spell effect slowness 1 second and poison 2 second when attacking

Drops rotten flesh on death


Name: Climber

Health: 8

Damage: 1

Spawn Change: very high


His steps are not heard at all

Uncommon form of infection User, User - Sword, User - Bow

He is significantly weaker than the other infected

Can climb walls

Can be in holes 1 block

Inflicts spell effect slowness 6 second when attacking

Drops infected flesh on death


Name: Armless

Health: 8

Damage: 1

Spawn Change: very high



Uncommon form of infection User, User - Sword, User - Bow

Same as Bio Zombie, only runs faster


Name: Burrower OFF, Burrower ON

Health: 18

Damage: Off - 2, On - 7 - 21

Spawn Change: high


Underground life has made the skin pale

Abnormally long arms, legs and nails

Always appears only in Off state

Inflicts spell effect slowness 1 second and poison 2 second when attacking

When his health is less than 8, he explodes and runs at high speed (slower than Armless)

If you get close to him or hit him, he will start attacking you

Throws when attacking

His steps are not heard at all when he's Off state

Drops infected flesh on death



Name: Biowolf

Health: 20

Damage: 3

Spawn Change: high


Infected wolf form

Same as Armless, only Biowolf is stronger

His health, damage and movement are also high, so you should be very careful with this


Name: Nightwalker

Health: 20

Spawn Change: high


burns in daylight

Infected enderman form

The lower jaw is missing

Right arm missing

Left arm cut in half


Head bent

Very slow

Doesn't teleport like an enderman

Shoots darkmatter from the body

Drops nightwalker flesh and darkmatter on death



Darkmatter - Penetrating all blocks, entities

Causes spell effect blindness for 3 seconds


The color of spell effect varies depending on the x, y and z axes

Damage is 2



Name: Tank

Health: 70

Damage: 7-21

Spawn Change: low



Infected iron golem form

Slightly reddish

Arms are thicker and prettier

neck hanging down

Nose cut off

Very fast

Knocks up enemies 6 blocks

1/6 chance to cause an explosion on attack

Has no knockback

Drops some diamonds upon death

Also some redstone

(Just run if you see hes)



Name: User - Sword

Health: 20

Damage: 6

Spawn Change: A little low



He holds an iron sword

If you give him a stone sword, he will become 100% your ally

When he becomes an ally, he says in Korean: "I'm ready for anything, comrade!"

When his health drops below 10, his skin becomes bloody and he starts whine

They can also be healed with food like wolves

During combat, 1/3 chance to say in Korean "It's a fight!", "Yeah!" etc

If you hit an ally, there is a 1/3 chance that he will curse or beg you to hit more

Drops apple on death

Screams when infected


Name: User - Bow

Health: 20

Damage: 1-4

Spawn Change: A little low


He holds an bow

If you give him a arrow, he will become 100% your ally

Same as User - Sword



Name: User

Health: 10

Spawn Change: high




Press and hold for 3 seconds to use it

After 3 seconds, applies spell effect speed for 1 second, and heals 10 health units

"Let's try!", "It hurts a little, but it's okay", the player will say in Korean when using



Dark Bow

Shoots a Dark Arrow on use





Shoots darkmatter on use


Fire Axe

Same as an iron sword

Has twice the durability of an iron sword (500 counts)




Works like an splash potion, only it flies further and sprays fire on impact



Infected Flesh

Causes spell effect nausea when eaten


Ingot Darkmatter

Can be obtained by smelting darkmatter in a furnace




Dark Arrow

Can be used with Dark Bow

Penetrating all blocks, entities






Nightwalker Flesh

Causes spell effect haste when eaten



- Fixed a bug where a villager baby becomes an adult zombie when infected

- Now iron golem, villager and users always become zombies with a 100% chance




All experimental options must be enabled!





I allow you to share the add-on, but youMUSTspecify the author, and a link to the original post. If you do not comply, I will take action



Topic starter Posted : 10/02/2020 8:24 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 04/01/2024 3:16 pm