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MCPE/Bedrock 3D Combat Addon: Bloodshed Recrafted

Illustrious Member Admin

3D Combat Addon: Bloodshed Recrafted


This addons goal is to provide a better combat experience it does this by adding a new combat system, better animations, new weapons and special mechanics to weapons with each type of weapon having a unique use.

New experimental toggles needed

Technical Stuff

Zombies and its variants will spawn with weapons that they can use, their attack speed will be based on the weapon they have.

Armor now works on combat mode 

At this point normal player model mode can and almost is discontinued 

special weapon variations not available

items are now held on the right place

added the ability to switch to other combat mode models using subpacks


The new update adds the ability to see the weapons in the first hotbar slot and in the offhand as sheathed in the character

For katanas it can be displayed up to the third hot bar slot

exhaust and cooldown system

In the middle of your screen when you hold a weapon a bar will show sith the current exhaustion you have and the weapon cooldown of the current weapon you have

Exhaust system

This addon adds an energy system to Minecraft called the exhaustion system striking an opponent or using a weapon ability will cause it to go down it will not replenish immediately as you need to be inactive for 5 seconds for this to replenish.

Mastery System: 

Now works for four weapon types: 

Light weapons: Dagger, Wakizashi, Mace, Katar

Sword Weapons: Katana, Sabre, Longsword, Rapier

Polearms: Spear, Halberd, Glaive, Pole Hammer, Lance

Great weapons: Odachi, Greatsword

The Weapon types:


Longswords are part of the heavy weapon class


Its first ability lets you do a heavy slash

Its sneak ability lunges you forward and deals damage 


Spears is a longrange weapon in the medium weapon class


Its first ability lets you throw the spear 

Its sneak ability lets you lunge yourself towards your enemy


Lances: a massive weapon with high attack deals more damage when on a horse or sprinting


Its first ability gives you the resistance effect

Its sneak ability gives you speed and lets you charge toward your enemy to deal damage


Katanas is a curved sword in the medium weapon class

it does more damage than normal swords it will cause bleeding to your enemies


Its first ability is a combo ability that lets the first strike shoot a slash and the second use lunges you forward dealing high damage

Its sneak ability lets you teleport towards entities within a radius of 6 to deal medium to high damage to them


Crafting a katana Has Many Steps:


wakizashi is a type of katana in the light weapon class


Its first ability teleports you towards an entity to deal a lot of damage to it

Its sneak ability lets you perform a crescent slash that flies toward the direction you are facing


odachi is a long katana in the heavy weapon class


Its first ability lets you perform a crescent slash that flies toward the direction you are facing

Its sneak ability powers up you next 2 strikes with first a stunning strike and the second a greater bleeding strike


Sabers: because of its curvature it does more damage than normal blades it can block damage like a shield


Its first ability Gives you strength for 2 seconds

Its sneak ability gives you resistance


Dagger is a standard weapon with normal damage that is in the light weapon class

has a special assassinate mechanic that lets you one-shot or highly damage something when sneaking whilst invisible

can be held in the off hand for a bonus dagger damage


Its first ability lets you throw the dagger

Its sneak ability enables you to deal double the dagger damage in one heavy strike


Katar is a fast attack short weapon that is in the light weapons class


Its first ability lets you deal a stab which deals low damage

Its sneak ability teleports you forward and deals medium damage

pole hammer

Pole Hammer is a blunt weapon in the medium weapon class


Its only ability is to smash the ground dealing high damage

greatsword (chunky)

Greatsword is a giant bladed wepon in the heavy weapon class


Its first ability lets you do  a air slash similar to odachi

Its sneak ability allows you to do a spin attack that simultaneously deals damage


Mace is a blunt weapon in the medium weapon class 

stuns enemies(gives em slowness upon hit)

lower damage on horseback


Its first ability lets you do a heavy slash dealing medium damage

Its sneak ability makes your next strike stronger the added damage can ignore armor



Halberd is a dual-wielded weapon in the heavy weapon class

It has a balanced damage weapon with a lunge attack 


Its first ability lets you do a heavy strike in front

Its sneak ability lets you do a line of shockwaves that increases weapon reach


Glaive is of medium weapon class

a fairly balanced weapon with jump damage boost and sprint damage boost


its first ability stabs the enemies in front of you

its sneak ability lets your run faster and makes attack speed for the glaive faster


Rapier is of light weapon class


 its first ability makes your attack speed faster

the sneak ability lets you perform a barrage of attacks that deals damage per tick

Hand Blaster

Comes in iron variant

Shoots out 3 arrows in front of you

Not craftable in survival yet

Repair Item

Repair Item Can be used with the broken Item In the anvil to give the broken Item 250 Durability

combat mode is fully integrated

to activate hold no item

my youtube channel


update video:

Available Abilities:

Known Issues

Odachi Having no crafting recipe

Some Actions having no animations

Swimming causes back Item to float

Ability Animations don't play all the time

Vanilla weapons not being added to combat system

Weapons having no attack animations when attacking nothing

  • 3d Combat is now available for Minecraft 1.20 and above
  • Combat System Has been reimagined
  • Abilities System now works in js API
  • Now uses js API


Upon adding the addon to your world make sure that you turn on all experimental gameplay options except caves and cliffs, gametest framework, creation of custom biomes, and additional modding capabilities


Topic starter Posted : 02/03/2021 1:31 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 07/08/2023 8:48 pm