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MCPE/Bedrock 3D Dolphin Costumes

Illustrious Member Admin

3D Dolphin Costumes


Do you like a Dolphin?

If yes this add-on very suits for you.

With this add-on you Will get a Dolphin Costumes that make you blend with Dolphin in sea.

And of course it just a little pieces of my big project again XD, just wait for it.




On this add-on you Will get new item, loot, and Costumes(i Mean armor) like below:



– Dolphin Fin

You can get this item from Dolphin.

– Dolphin Skin
of course you can get it from Dolphin again.


-Dolphin hat

  You can craft this armor like a normal          armor using Dolphin skin

-Dolphin Jacket

  You can craft this armor like a normal          armor using Dolphin Skin and Fin

-Dolphin Pants

  You can craft this armor like a normal          armor using Dolphin Skin

-Dolphin Boots

  You can craft this armor like a normal           armor using Dolphin Skin



On this add-on you Will get 4 new crafting recipes in below:


And done thats all ^-^



You allowed to modified this addon

Don’t forget to add my name on credits if you like to modified this add-on or showcase.




  1. first download the add-on on link below
  2. extract 3DcostumesR to Resource folder and 3DcostumesB to Behavior Folder
  3. open minecraft and create new world 
  4. don't forget to turn on experimental mode
  5. and enjoy~

creator: GradientStudio


Topic starter Posted : 05/01/2021 11:10 pm