6th Century Series - Draconia Mod
A Cut only Showcasing the Draconia Species with Steel and Meteorite from the famous 6th Century Mod created by Kyuu Anticipation Desperation.6th Century Series takes 5000 Years in the Future in which a Man Named Anthony, who is the 20th Sceptre of Minecraftia, unexpectedly was sent back 7645 Years Ago to the 6th Century in which he has must Fix the “Catastrophe” or else the World's of 3 Realms will Merge and Chaos of the End of the World will Occur. Must he along with other Friends he'll made along the way shall fight the End to make the Beginning.
A Myth Reptile from the Pyradrakon Family, Draconia has 2 Types only left from History. Dracan and Soul Dracan, are Types of Dragons that Breathe Hot Gases or Soul Fire.
Please Read:
If you want to make a Series with this Add-on, Credit Me, and Tag the Video #6thCentury
IF YOU WANT TO BORROW MY CODE OR THE MODEL AS A BASE FOR YOUR DRAGON AND ANIMATIONS. You can Borrow them, just Please Credit Me Kyuu Anticipation Desperation, Okay?
The Reason to why it's hard to either Tame, Defeat, or Heal the Dragons is because it needs other Creatures from my Mod, Equipment, or Blocks from the 6th Century Series both Anime and Mod. The 6th Century Mod will be More Harder.

Min Health: 10 HP
Max Health: 200 HP
50% Damage Protection for Melee and Range
90% Damage Protection for Fire
25% Damage Protection for Lava
50% Damage Protection for Thorns
Min Melee Damage: 1
Max Melee Damage: 30
Healable Items: Rotten Flesh, Chicken, Rabbit, Porkchop, Mutton, Beef, Dracan Meat and (Phoenix Tear & Dragon Healing Potion only available in 6th Century Mod)
Breathes Gas as hot as 250° Celsius
Breath Damage: 20 per Tick
Breath Damage Source: Fire
Breath Range: 3.5 Width and (30 Metres Far in Theory)
Tameable Items: Dracan Meat
Information: You can only Tame Newborn Babies Stage 1 to 3
Soul Dracan

Min Health: 10 HP
Max Health: 200 HP
75% Damage Protection for Melee and Range
Fire Immune (Meaning Dracan Breath is Useless)
25% Damage Protection for Lava
50% Damage Protection for Thorns
Min Melee Damage: 1
Max Melee Damage: 30
Healable Items: Rotten Flesh, Chicken, Rabbit, Porkchop, Mutton, Beef, Dracan Meat and (Phoenix Tear & Dragon Healing Potion only available in 6th Century Mod)
Breathes Gas as hot as 500° Celsius
Breath Damage: 40 per Tick
Breath Damage Source: Temperature
Breath Range: 3.5 Width and (30 Metres Far in Theory)
Tameable Items: Dracan Meat
Information: You can only Tame Newborn Babies Stage 1 to 3
Dracan Information:
Both Draconia has Variants up to total of 6 or 7. Dracans are found of Wildlands, Taigas, or Deserts. Draconia Are Intelligent enough like Dolphins or. Only Dracans Exist Naturally.
Dracan Eggs

You can Hatch them in Light Levels from 14 to 15. They Take From 300 to 600 Seconds, being I think I remember is 5 to 10 Minutes.
Can be Obtained from Subadults and Adult Dracans, be it Friend or Foe.
Soul Dracan Eggs

You can Hatch them inside Soul Fire. Not Sure how long though.
Hatching will be Change in the Future for Light And Dark 6th Century v1.8.0 (can Be Available in Betas)
Can Be Obtained from Soul Dracans Commonly. Only Adult Dracans can Drop Soul Dracan Eggs, yet they're Rare from 1 to 1000.
Future Information of Hatching of Soul Dracan.
Place Soul Fire of the Nether In the Aboveground with with Endstone Around the Soil from The End. Shall you be the Beginning of it.
6th Century Quote:
Dracans are Found Sleeping on their Burned Founts, most younglings won't Survive the Forests.
Soul Dracans are unknown, they are a Combination of Three Realms.
New Biome:

New Blocks:

Ash, Burnt Cobblestone, Burnt Crafting Table, Burnt Dirt, Burnt Granite, Burnt Grass, Burnt Gravel, Burnt Log, Burnt Planks, Burnt Rooted Dirt, Burnt Smooth Granite, Burnt Stone, Burnt Stone Bricks, Burnt Stripped Logs, Burnt Wood, Forge Furnace, Metalworking Table, Meteorite Ore, Dracan Crates, Wooden Dracan Crates, Golden Dracan Crates, Dracan Gold, Steel Block, and Welded Steel Block.

Forge Furnace can be Crafted with 6 Brick Blocks and a Furnace.
Forge Furnace can be Activated by Interacting with Coal, Coal Block, or Dried Kelp Block

Metalworking Table can be Crafted with 5 Steel Ingots and 3 Steel Rods.
You Can See the Other Recipes there.
Ash can be Burned in a Blast Furnace to make Coal.
Ash can Poison you if you step off and on it, doesn't affect Dragons.
You can get Loot by Breaking the Dracan Crates.
New Items, Armour, Equipment, ETC:

Meteorite Iron Armour

Meteorite Iron can only be found on the surface of Cold Biomes like Ice Plains for example. Expect the Meteorite Iron to be stronger than Steel and low class Dracan Scales.
Steel Armour

Steel can be made by Inserting Dominance. Put it in the Blast Furnace. You can make other Steel by putting the previous output. Although the max is soft Steel, Hardened Steel is made in the Forge Furnace.
Draconia Saddle

Draconia Saddle is Used for Riding any Draconia and any similar Mythosoherpeton.
Draconia Can Be Crafted with this:

Dracan Scales Armour

Dracan Scales Armour can be crafted in the Crafting Table. Expect High Class Dracan Scales like Darkgrey or Black to be Stronger as Meteorite Iron, Middle and Lower class like Lightgrey, Silver, and White, to be weaker than Meteorite Iron but Stronger than Steel.
Dracan Steel Armour

Dracan Steel can be made by Combining Steel and A certain type of Dracan Scales or Dragon Scales, you can make them in the Forge Furnace.
Dracan Steel Armour needs Dracan Scales Armour to be crafted, enchanted ones will be stripped of Enchantments so I recommend making New Ones.
Other Images

Further Details are only Available on my Channel Kyuu Anticipation Desperation.
6th Century Betas will be Uploaded in Christmas.
Select version for changelog:
Draconia Breath can now Burn the Environment. (I hope you know Science)
Draconia Breaths can go through Walls Now (I hope you know Science)
Soul Draconia Scale and Steel Armour.
Added Soul Dracan Tools and Weapons.
Draconia Dragons can now Drop their Eggs and Opposing by Chance. (I forgot only the Fire Dragon Dropped them XD)
Other Stuff I forgot. Maybe Added American English???
Installation: You must Put the Mod in the Development Folders of Behaviours and Resources
You Must Turn On These Experimentals:

creator: https://www.youtube.com/c/KyuuAnticipationDesperation