A. Venom Add-on
With this add-on will allow you to get the Venom symbiote, you can transform into Venom, change the skin of your Venom and get all the skills it gives you. It includes melee combat, abilities while you are not transformed into symbiote among many other things.
- Add-on created by ArathNido: Models, textures, animations and behaviors.
- Beta tester: Doge4_ever, The Amazing Mondongo, FatalZero, Gomemer & Arcangel0684.
you are not allowed to publish this add-on on other Minecraft add-on websites or applications without the creator's permission. If you will review this addon for YouTube, leave credits, post this download link and do not post direct download link or create your own download link or you will receive a complaint.
Full Description:
Throughout the world of Minecraft you will find meteorite structures and there is a small chance of symbiotes appearing.

The easiest way to make symbionts appear is to create an area of Knull blocks.


When you encounter a symbiote you can capture it using a capsule.


When you have the capsule with the symbiote, interact with it to transform into Venom.

You can remove the symbiote from your inventory.

When you have the symbiote on, it will grant you a lot of new abilities.
Basic Combat/Combat:
In your inventory will grant you an item with an icon of a fist, while using it you will be able to perform attacks that will inflict a lot of damage to your enemies.

Press the attack button to attack.
For mobile players press the interact button while you have the fist item in your hand.
You can perform up to 4 attacks in a row, the more you follow the attack will cause a lot of damage.

If you place the combat item in the second hand you will be able to perform attacks without the need to have the combat item in the main hand as long as you do not have a special Venom item in the main hand.

Aerial attacks:
You will be able to perform aerial attacks but you will not be able to perform combos.

Air attack to the ground:
By holding down the crouch button and pressing the attack button you will be able to perform a ground attack.

Symbiote explosion:
While on the ground hold down the crouch button and press the attack button to perform an explosion that will deal area damage.

The symbiote whip will allow you to propel yourself into the air.

You will be required to aim at solid blocks at a minimum distance of 100 blocks in order to propel yourself.

In the inventory bar you will have an indicator that will tell you if you are in or out of range. If the range is green you will be able to perform impulses with the symbiote whip.

As long as you are in the air and touch a wall you can climb walls. Use the jump button to climb.

Hold down the crouch button to hang on the wall.
While you are hanging press the jump button to perform an upward boost.

This ability will allow you to crawl on the ground which will allow you to move faster and perform attacks that will deal a lot of damage.
While you are touching the ground hold down the crouch button and look down to use the ability.

The skill is deactivated when you release the crouch button or you are not touching the ground.
As long as you use the ability you can move freely.

While you have the combat item press the attack button to perform the bite attack that will deal area damage.

While in the air press the crouch button twice to activate the wings.

While looking up and pressing the duck button you will be able to rise upwards.
While looking straight ahead and pressing the duck button you can hover in the air and you can move while hovering.
While floating press the run button and move forward to move fast.
To stop floating press the crouch button again.
While looking down and pressing the duck button you will be able to deactivate the wings.
The wings will allow you to glide, for that press the jump button.

While gliding press the crouch button to boost yourself.
While on the ground look up and press the jump button to perform an upward jump.

You will be able to boost yourself while you are in the air. Press the crouch button and the jump button to perform a boost. You can perform a boost every 3 seconds.

In your inventory you will be given an item with an icon with red borders, while you are crouched down interact with the item so that there will be a menu where you will see all the skills that the symbiote gives you.

All skills:
This ability will allow you to eat any entity you have nearby. It will deal 50 damage to the enemy and will grant you health and hunger regeneration.

While you have the skill item press the interact button to use the skill. It only works when you are transformed into Venom, are touching the ground and are not crouching.
The symbiote axe will allow you to destroy blocks in front of you and inflict damage to nearby enemies.

It will allow you to grab any entity you have nearby.

You can launch it by pressing the attack button.

You will be able to crush it by interacting with the claw item that will inflict a lot of damage to the enemy.

The symbiote whip will allow you to attack enemies from a long distance. Use the attack button or interact with the item to use the whip.

You will be able to transform into Venom whenever you want, when you deactivate the transformation you will return to your normal form except that you will have Venom by your side.

You will be able to use various Venom abilities while you are not transformed.

You will not be able to perform Venom's melee attacks, the regeneration ability and the ability to crawl on the ground.

You will be able to perform various abilities such as boosting in the air, using the axe, whip (boost and combat), claw and using Venom's wings.

From the skills menu you can change Venom's skin.

From the skills menu below there will be an option to change the game camera to first or third person.

Venom Horse:
To obtain a Venom horse interact with the horse using the symbiote or the symbiote capsule.

Just like any other horse, ride the horse until some heart particles appear. You do not need to use a mount or armor to control the horse. It will have increased speed, increased jumping, resists pushing, resists falling damage and feeds on raw or cooked chicken and cookies.

Version 1.0.0:
- First version of the add-on, no changes have been made during the release of this add-on.
UPDATE (10/17/2024):
- The only download option will be Lootlabs.
- Download Resources & Behaviors in .MCPACK or .MCADDON
- Install packs to the game.
- Apply the packs for a world.
- It is not necessary to activate the experimental functions.
- Create the world.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/ @ArathNido