Advanced Fishing BE V7.2, Just Fishing but Advanced!
Are you Bored with only Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish & Clownfish
That can be Fished in Minecraft Bedrock?
Do you want New Fish that can be Fished
And Crafted/Cooked into Resources & Foods?
As it is Written, Your Fishing will be Advanced!

This Addon is Based on a Minecraft Java Mod named "Advanced Fishing" made by Nightkosh!
So... Let me Explain this Addon:
Resourceful Fish:

This Addon adds 43 New Fish that can be Fished in their Respective Biomes
And Crafted/Cooked into Resources & Foods!
Respective Biomes:
◆ Anywhere:
+ 24% Squid
+ 13% Catfish/Pike
+ 2% Explosive Crucian
◆ Ocean & Beach:
+ 24% Angelfish
+ 13% Jellyfish
+ 2% Sponge Eater
◆ Desert, Savanna, Mesa:
+ 24% Sandy Bass
+ 13% Golden Koi
+ 2% Sunfish
◆ Snowy Biomes & Taiga:
+ 24% Snowy Walleye
+ 13% Frost Minnow
+ 2% Glacier Anchovy
◆ Deep Ocean:
+ 2% Abyssal Lurker
+ 1% Angler Fish
◆ Cave/Underground:
+ Y: <50 Specular Snapper
+ Y: <40 Cave Trout
+ Y: <25 Crystal Mullet & Charged Bullhead
◆ Jungle:
+ 24% Piranha
+ 13% Sparkling Eel
+ 2% Mandarinfish
◆ Swamp:
+ 24% Ruffe/Green Jellyfish/Spider Eye
+ 13% Bonefish/Spookyfin
+ 2% Swamp Plaice/Cursed Koi/Zombie Head/Skeleton Skull
◆ Mooshroom Island:
+ 13% Brown/Red Shroomfin
◆ The End Dimension:
+ 24% Ender Shad
+ 13% Pearl Sardine
+ 2% Chorus Koi
Crafteable Resources:

With these recipes, Fishing will help your Survival More than Ever!
Cooking Fish:

All New Fish also are Edible in Raw
But Be Careful, Some are Harmful if Eaten!
Not All Fish are Dangerous to Eat like:
◆ Cave Trout gives Resistance ll For 10 Seconds
◆ Mandarinfish gives you Instant Health ll
Blazing Fishing Pole!

◆ Durability: 570
◆ Repairable with Blaze Rod & Other Blazing Fishing Pole
◆ Uncraftable, Only 5% to Find in Ruined Portal, Nether Fortress & Bastion Remnant in Damaged by +85%
All Nether Fish & Blazing Fishing Pole Won't Burn!
So you Must Fishing in Nether!

[Enable it by Scrolling the Subpacks]

◆ Blazing Fishing Pole Template...

You'll get the Template Instead of the Usual!
◆ Hooks, Just the Nether Version [Unburnable]

◆ Iron = Obsidian
◆ Double Iron = Double Obsidian
◆ Golden = Glowstone
◆ Redstone = Soul Sand
You need the Tackle Box, Bobber, Fishing Line & Baits from Azure Culture!
Live Form For Most Fish!
♦ Catfish, Fish Mixed with Cat

♦ Pike, Looks Antique...

♦ Nitric Crucian, Not Literally So

They'll Spawn in Almost Any River
♦ Angelfish, It's Beautiful!

♦ Bluebottle Jellyfish, Safe to Touch?

Ofc Nope, You'll get Poison!
♦ Bluehead Porifcian, Crustacean As Well

They'll Spawn in Ocean & Beach
♦ Barred Sand Bass, Covered in Sand

♦ Golden Koi, Wealthbringer Fish!

♦ Sunfish, Star in Water...

They'll Spawn in Desert, Savanna & Mesa
♦ Snowy Walleye, Covered in Snow

♦ Frost Minnow, Swimming Ice Cube

♦ Glacier Anchovy, Swimmning Ice Stalactite

They'll Spawn in Cold & Frozen River
♦ Abyssal Lurker, Deep Dweller

♦ Prismatic Angler, Dark Nightmare!

They'll Spawn in Deep Ocean
♦ Specular Snapper, Cave Decorator

♦ Carbonic Trout, Tough Fish!

♦ Lazulicanth, Enchant-Fish

♦ Charged Bullhead, Power-Fish

They'll Spawn in Underground Aquifer with Specific Coordinates!
♦ Specular Snapper = Y:50
♦ Carbonic Trout = Y:40
♦ Lazulicant & Charged Bullhead = Y:25
♦ Piranha, Small but Scary!

Don't Worry, They Don't Eats Human
♦ Sparkling Eel, Actually it's Dim

♦ Mandarin Dragonet, Masterpiece!

They'll Spawn in Jungle
♦ Ruffe, Tambaqui?

♦ Mud Tuna, Covered in Mud

♦ Fluorescent Jellyfish, Just Green...

♦ Bonefish, Back from the Dead!

♦ Phantasmal Tetra, Wooo...

♦ Cursed Koi, Cursebringer Koi!

They'll Spawn in Swamp
♦ Brown Fungalfin, Chocolate Moldy Fish

♦ Red Fungalfin, Strawberry Moldy Fish

They'll Spawn in Mooshroom Island
♦ Magikarp, Burping Magic Karp!

Spawn Anywhere, but Very Rare...
◆ Original Mod Maker, Nightkosh for His Port Permission!
◆ Some1 for Allowing Me to Use His Fishing Rod!
◆ WeeWee for Allowing Me to Use His Unburnable Item!
◆ Hachuden for Allowing Me to Use His Biome-Depended Fishing Loot!
Permissions from Nightkosh, Some1, WeeWee & Hachuden:

Some1's Permission has been Removed by Himself...

> Join My Discord Group <
If You're Curious About My Addons Progress!
V7.2, Integration Update:
◆ Added Scaling Knife
Used for turning (scaling) the fish into resources!
◆ New Fishing Mechanics
95% for Succes Catch & 5% for Failed Catch, also a notification when you got a catch!
What's the [with Itemtips]?
This version will provide Itemtips on some items (English Only), example:

This version is for anyone who wants in-game/more informations about the items
But if you want all the available languages, stay download the normal version...
◆ Required Experimental Feature:

◆ English
◆ Deutsch
◆ Español
◆ Français
◆ Bahasa Indonesia [By @Rainbow Dash Cool]
◆ Italiano
◆ Português
◆ Русский
◆ 简体中文
◆ 繁體中文
◆ Working on 1.17.0+!
Enjoy & Have a Useful Fishing!