Amplified Sound Options (Added Ambience Booster)
This pack lets you hear sounds from very far away! It is useful for hearing note blocks, people with low volume devices, and mob farm testers. If the mobs are very far away, the volume is decreased but not completely silent.

Boosted Ambience:
This increases the volume of Ambience sounds in caves, the nether, and the endboss music
Amplified Sounds:
In this pack, all the default sounds are adjusted to be heard from a far distance. This includes the nether update mobs too and made the mob stepping sounds quieter. The Ghast sounds are at normal settings. This mode does not contain the amplified record-note blocks parts, or changes ambient sounds
Amplified Record-Note blocks:
"3D" mode is turned off for these sounds, so you can hear them from anywhere. Here is a video demo for the disc "ward"
Added "boosted Ambience" pack
This increases the volume of Ambience sounds in caves, the nether, and the endboss music
creator: Blue Shadow8558