AdvancedFactory Beta
Advanced Factory aims to add modern machines in its world such as Quarries, to facilitate basic or even difficult Minecraft functions. In this first version of the Addon I am adding Quarries and in the future I will add more machines.
Able to mine in a space of 15×15 (later you can increase or decrease the region), from the layer it is in until layer 4. Can mine all blocks except:
- Bedrock
- Water/Lava
- End Portal/End Portal Frame
- Barrier
- All types command blocks
- Structure Block/Structure Void
Tostart you need to use a battery and then you need to clean the religion that was marked, and finally just activate with a lever on the top. The Quarry will start to be built and ready to start mining!
All mined blocks will go to the Quarry and you can access at the top or remove items with a hopper at the bottom.
Iron Gear:
Golden Gear:
Diamond Gear:
Steel Ingot:
Steel Block:
Eletronic Circuit:
Important information
The add-on is available in two languages: Portuguese and English.
Currently there is an error that when closing the game without saving, the quarry may stop working, unfortunately it has not yet been possible to solve it, and to revolver just destroy the quarry and replace it again. The error does not happen if you save the game correctly.