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MCPE/Bedrock AFK Camera

Illustrious Member Admin

AFK Camera

Camera rotates around the player when you stay AFK, when you stay still for a certain amount of time, your camera will start to rotate around you. You can easily adjust the time yourself.

The addon will allow players in the world that by being afk for a while, your camera will move around you, let me warn you that this only works in first person.

To configure the time, some server operator must add the administrator tag with "/tag @s add admin" and hold a slime ball, where you will have the option to change the time, if you set it to 0 the camera will not work .


Beta API


It doesn't work in third person.

It may not be compatible with other add-ons that modify the player's camera.

  • Camera AFK time configurable, the administrators can configure it.
  • Menu Timer ADDED


To install this addon you just have to download the .mcpack and open it in Minecraft, when you create the world you must activate the experimental Beta APIs experiment for the addon to work correctly.

creator: AngelJ136381

Topic starter Posted : 09/10/2023 7:38 pm