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MCPE/Bedrock [2.2.2] Alylica’s Advancements - Tricky Trials

Illustrious Member Admin

[2.2.2] Alylica’s Advancements - Tricky Trials


Ever want to play with Addons but don’t want to loose out on achievements? Wished bedrock had all the advancements Java did? 

Well this is the pack for you, this addon includes as many of the original java advancements as i could fit into it!

How Advancements Work :

You will gain advancements as you play the game and complete certain requirements, a message will be broadcasted across the chat for all players when one is reached (see above image)

Notably, There are also Goals and Challenges, Goals are much alike to normal advancements (but appear yellow on Ui!) but challenges have a dark purple colour and play a special sound once completed! they also award exp

Advancements :

Advancements are split into 6 categories, 5 representing a different aspect of the game and the last being extra goals added by me, alylica!


You can view your progress in collecting advancements by using the 'Book of Advancements' Item (Crafted with a Book and Amethyst Shards!)

If you click on a tab, you can see all advancements, clicking on an advancement will show you all its info



Where is [X] Advancement???

Some advancements just couldn't be included due to Bedrock Limitations, here is a list

Unobtainable Advancements

Those Were the Days (Enter a bastion)

Subspace Bubble (Travel 7k via nether)

A Terrible Fortress (Enter a nether fortress)

Beaconator (Fully Charge a beacon)


The City at the End of the Game (Enter an End City)

Great View From Up Here (Levitate 50 Blocks)


Power of Books (Read data from chiseled bookshelf)

What a deal (Trade with Villager)

Surge Protector (Protect Villager from zappy-zap with lighting rod)

It Spreads (Grow sculk from catalyst)

Star Trader (Trade with villager at world height limit)

Arbalistic (Killed 5 Unique Mobs with one crossbow arrow)

Sounds of Music (Play music in a meadow)

Bullseye (Hit bullseye on target from distance)

Sniper Duel (Kill skeleton from distance)


The Parrots and the Bats (Breed Animal)

Two by Two (Breed all Animals)

Birthday Song (Get allay to drop cake at a note block)

When the Squad Hops into Town (Leash all frogs)

Lite Sniffs (Feed Baby Sniffer)

Healing Power of Friendship (Fight with axolotl)


Why is [X] Advancement Different???

Again, some advancements like ‘Enchanter’ are different simply due to the limitations I have, here is a list of the changed advancements, and what has changed

Changed Advancements

Enchanter (Now just needs to hold enchanting table)


This Boat has Legs (Now just needs to ride strider)

War Pigs (Now requires obtaining netherite upgrade template)

Not Quite "Nine" Lives (Now just needs to hold respawn anchor)

Feels like Home (Now just needs to ride strider.. on lava.. in the overworld!)

Local Brewery (Now requires holding a brewing stand)

Bring Home the Beacon (Now just needs to hold beacon)

How Did we Get here? (Dolphins grace / Glowing not required)


Remote Gateway (Now just requires you to reach the outer end, no gateway needed!)

The End... Again... (Now requires the player to have the 'Free The End' Advancement)


Crafting a New Look (Now requires holding any armour trim)

Ol' Betsy (Now just requires holding a crossbow)

Sneak 100 (Now requires sneaking near warden, no sculk sensors allowed)

Smithing With Style (Now requires holding all the specified trims at once)

Throwaway Joke (Now just requires holding trident)

Take Aim (Now just requires holding bow)

Careful Restoration (Now just needs a decorated pot, no need to craft with 4 sherds)


Bee Our Guest (Now just needs to hold honey bottle)

You got a friend in me (Give item to allay)

Fishy Business (Now just needs to cast a fishing line)

Total Beelocation (Now just needs to hold a bees nest)


How do I remove/add advancements? 

To add an advancement, the command

function adv/name/grant

and to remove a function use the command

function adv/name/revoke


Replace the blue highlighted text with the name of the advancement (duh)


What Experiments do I need??

You will need Beta API's enabled for the pack to function properly

Is it Multiplayer????


Thats all, i hope you enjoy using my addon!


Version 2.2.2

- Updated scripts to support Minecraft 1.21.30, the most recent version
- Fixed issues with certain advancements not granting in survival or adventure mode


EnableBeta API's

1.20.30+ required


For more, join my discord to see what i'm working on or ask for help with my addons

creator: Alylica

Topic starter Posted : 25/10/2022 3:19 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 22/09/2024 7:45 pm