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MCPE/Bedrock [1.4.6] Alylica's Dungeons Addon | NETHER UPDATE

Illustrious Member Admin

[1.4.6] Alylica's Dungeons Addon | NETHER UPDATE


Alylica's Dungeons aims to blend the content of Minecraft Dungeons with the style and flow of vanilla Minecraft, boasting a large collection of weapons, enemies and powerful bosses - if you are a fan of Minecraft Dungeons and playing in survival, this may be the addon for you! 


New in v1.4.5 is a Brand New Boss to fight in the Nether Dimension


Standard Mobs


These are just 5 of the new hostile mobs you can find...

The addon includes a ton of new monsters you will have to fight off! I will list some examples

New Variants of Zombies and Skeletons that live in certain biomes, like the oceans or jungle, leading them to have their own unique attacks

New 'Enderlings' That live in the end, such as Watchlings and Snarelings, which will work together to take you down 

New Undead foes like the Wraith, who attacks with fire magic and teleports, and Necromancers, who prefer to fight at range and summon zombie minions to fight you.

Every new Mob

Baby Ghast - Found in the Nether

Blastling - Found in the End

Drowned Elite/Hunter - Found in Oceans

Frozen Zombie - Found in the Snow

Iceologer - Found in the Snow

Icy Creeper - Found in the Snow

Jungle Zombie - Found in the Jungle

Leapleaf - Found in the Jungle

Necromancer - Found in the Overworld

Piglin Fungus Thrower - Found in the Nether Wastes & Crimson Forest

Royal Guard - Found in Woodland Mansions

Snareling - Found in the End

Sunken Skeleton - Found in Oceans

Squall Golem - Found within the Gale Sanctum

Tower Wraith - Doesnt spawn yet

Vanguard - Found in Deserts, Badlands and Soulsand Valleys

Watchling - Found in the End

Wavewhisperer - Found in Oceans

Whisperer - Found in the Jungle

Wind Caller - Found within the Gale Sanctum

Wraith - Found in the Overworld and Soulsand Valleys

Zombified Piglin Brute - Only found by taking a piglin brute to the overworld

Zombified Piglin Fungus Thrower - Found in the Nether Wastes

Mini Boss Mobs


 Of Various Dimensions and Various Stature, these mobs are more powerful then the rest

Minibosses are much stronger then normal mobs with precious loot and are indicated by their boss bars on the top of the screen, here is a few examples

Redstone Golems can be found about the overworld, they are powerful and will try to attack you with their fists or by creating explosive material around you that you must be avoidant of.

Drowned Necromancers are found in the oceans of the Overworld, they attack by using quick magical blasts and summoning undead warriors, their powerful attacks and ability to move through water quickly makes them very dangerous.

Wildfires are found in the Nether Fortress, they are the leaders of the blaze who attack by flinging fireballs and shocking those who get close, they are guarded by 4 shields that protect them from the first few hits of damage.

Endersent are incredibly tall, mutated endermen with huge strength that spawn in the end, they will attack by slamming at you with their huge fists and may temporarily vanish when attacked.

Some Standard mobs have also been elevated to mini boss status 

All Mini-Bosses

Enderman - Found in any dimension

Evoker - Found in woodland mansions and raids

Raid Captains - Found in Patrols and on Raids

Elder Guardian - Found in Ocena Monuments and the Abyssal Monument

Redstone Golem - Found throughout the overworld

Drowned Necromancer - Found in Deep Ocean

Endersent - Found in the end

Wildfire - Found in Nether Fortress

Boss Mobs




Bosses are Especially Dangerous, Super powerful encounters that can be found inside of special structures, when defeated, they don't drop much except for a special key which can be used to unlock the diamond chests they guard, where you will find great rewards including a Special Weapon, Armour, Bow and Artefact

Each boss also has two Collectibles which include a unique painting and custom trophy that represent the boss itself

The Redstone Monstrosity

The Redstone Monstrosity is found within a fiery forge, buried deep underground within the overworld; once you wake it up it will begin to attack you by smashing you with its heavy arms or hurling hot magma around itself, it can also summon miniature redstone cubes to distract you

Once defeated, you may unlock the diamond chest and claim many rewards

The Nameless One

The Nameless One is found within an elaborate temple, this can be found admist the sands of the deserts, you will have to explore the ruins and find passage to the underground tomb to begin the fight

The nameless one will attack by shooting dangerous magic and even spawning false clones of itself, it can also spawn its vanguard army, skeletons equipped with shields to protect them, to fight

Once defeated it drops the nameless key, used to uncover the riches of the diamond chest it guards

The Mooshroom Monstrosity

A Mysterious Ruin can be found in Mushroom Islands, housing the strongest monster in the Addon, the Mooshroom Monstrosity

The Mooshroom Monstrosity will attack you with powerful melee attacks and its mooshroom minions, if you try to flee, it will attack with a barrage of explosive rockets!

When defeated, the Questionable Key can be used to unlock the Rewards within the Diamond Chest within the ruins

The Wretched Wraith

The Wretched Wraith is a powerful wraith corrupted by a magical icy crown.. It can be found at the pinnacle of the Lone Fortress within Snowy Biomes

The Wraith will attack you by shooting flames and summoning Monsters, it can even teleport to disorientate you, it's important to avoid its powerful flame magic and make sure to attack it whilst it is left stunned.

When Defeated, the Wretched Key can unlock the treasures of the Fortress within the Diamond Chest

The Corrupted Cauldron

The Corrupted Cauldron is found within a corrupt witches coven; deep within a swamp biome. Investigate the mysterious brew in the center to begin the fight

The Corrupted Cauldron will attack you by summoning in magical slimes and bigger skeletons, it will also burn you if you get too close! Be weary, as the corrupted cauldron can even restore its own health with its magical powers, you will have to attack it frequently to disrupt this.

Once defeated it drops the corrupted key, used to uncover the witches mysterious treasures

The Jungle Abomination

The Jungle Abomination can be encountered in a long forgotten, overgrown temple that is found among the jungle biome. Approaching the resting abomination will let you begin the fight!

The Jungle Abomination possesses immense attack power and health, and its ability to manipulate the plant life around it lets it strike you from a distance and create obstacles on the arena
 [Tip! : Being made of wood, the abomination is especially weak to fire]

After laying the abomination to rest, you can take the Jungle Key and unlock the hidden treasure of the temple

The Tempest Golem

The Tempest Golem is found atop a great mountain Sanctum, you must approach the sleeping golem and awaken it to start the fight

The Tempest Golem has two massive swords that it will use to attack you, along side its magical lightning powers, it is guarded by two shields making it immune to damage, you have to disable this by depleting the energy of two totems on each side of the arena before you can defeat the golem

Once defeated it drops the tempest key, used to claim the riches of the sanctum

The Ancient Guardian

The Abyssal Monument is a large underwater labyrinth that houses an ancient treasure, but reaching for this treasure will awaken the powerful Ancient Guardian

The Guardian will attack you with is deadly eye laser, it will also charge into you and even summon poisonous explosive mines, you will have to avoid its attacks and keep yourself from drowning to succeed

Defeating this boss drops the Ancient Key, this can be used to access the chest within the monument 

The Hovering Inferno

What's this? A boss brand new for Alylica's Dungeons? The Hovering Inferno is a much stronger variant of the standard Wildfire and is found residing in the Nether Arena around the nether lava sea

The Hovering Inferno is protected with shields just like the normal wildfire, but both its shields and attacks are much stronger, it can even summon in blazes!

Defeating this boss drops the Blaze Key, used to access the chest atop the arena


Enchanted Mobs


Enchanted mobs are powered up forms of standard mobs, with greater health and attack power, plus a random enchanted effect to spice up the battle

Enchanted mobs have little rewards (For now!!) but do drop 5x the exp of their non enchanted variants

All Enchanted Mobs



Cave Spider





Wither Skeleton


Sunken Skeleton







Jungle Zombie

Vanilla Mobs

Quite a few vanilla mobs have seen adjustments, here is a few examples

Pillager - Now can spawn with armour and stronger weapons

Vindicator - Same Changes as Pillager

Cave Spider - New Visuals, can spawn naturally underground

Creeper - New Visuals, gets closer before going boom

Endermite - New Visuals, now found naturally in The End

Hoglin - much greater knockback on attacks

Husk - Slower, but takes less knockback

Witches - Only spawn in swamps

Spider - Flings webs at you if you try to escape

Wither Skeleton - Can now wield a bow

Bogged - Spawns in jungles





A Brand new mechanic - Souls can be collected from defeating mobs, each mob has a 20% to drop a soul, and using specialised soul weapons will guarantee an extra soul on top of that!

Souls are used to power certain artefacts and weapon effects, like the Soul Healer or Moon Daggers


There is plenty of new gear in the addon

20+ Armour sets

45+ Melee Weapons

25+ Ranged Weapons

25+ Artefacts 

all to craft, find and collect.

New Melee Weapons

The addon includes 56 new weapons, split between 19 different 'types'

Each weapon type has the common variant that can be crafted by anyone, and then it's unique variant(s) which can only be looted from boss structures and are stronger with greater effects

To repair a unique weapon, just combine it on an anvil with its common form

Read the tabs below for info on each weapon type


Hammers let you attack with great force, with their damage spreading out in a small shockwave to nearby mobs, but you can't enchant them and after landing a hit you will have to wait a short cool-down before attacking at full power again, just like in Java Edition!

The Unique Hammers can be found by defeating the redstone monstrosity and are as follows :

Hammer of Gravity - This hammer variant will pull in nearby mobs to the target of your attack

The Stormlander - This hammer will sometimes strike bonus damage onto a mob in a large radius that wasn't caught in your shockwave


Katanas are quite similar to swords, though have slightly stronger blades; they also have a bit less durability, making them a risky choice

The Unique Katanas can be found by defeating the redstone monstrosity and are as follows :

Dark Katana - This katana will always do more damage if the target is undead, even if it doesn't have the smite enchantment

Masters Katana - This Katana has a chance to deal double damage to its target


Knives are sort of opposite to katanas, They have the same attack power as swords but their durability is far greater, also, if you land an attack, you will have a half a second cool-down; so you can't be too careless with these. Knives also enable increased soul collection.

The Unique Knives can be found by defeating the nameless one and are as follows :

Eternal Knife - This Knife grants bonus souls to its user as you attack mobs

The Truthseeker - The Truthseeker will deal increasingly higher damage depending on how much damage its target has already taken


Scythes are quite powerful; with high damage and good durability, be wary though as their attacks come with a similar cool-down to the hammer. Scythes also enable increased soul collection 

The Unique Scythes can be found by defeating the nameless one and are as follows :

Frost Scythe - The Frost Scythe will always inflict a slowing chill on its target

Jailors Scythe - This Scythe has a chance to chain up and stun a group of nearby mobs when landing an attack

Cleaving Axes

Cleaving Axes are a slightly stronger, less wood-choppy variant of the standard axe, making them fine weapons for combat

The Unique Cleaving Axes can be found by defeating the mooshroom monstrosity and are as follows :

Firebrand - This Axe will ignite a flame effect onto its target with each attack

Highlands Axe - Using the Highlands Axe has a chance of immobilising the target temporarily


Claymores are quite powerful, having high damage and good durability, they are also given the ability to deal increased knockback to their target, making them a good choice for distancing dangerous foes like Creepers.

The Unique Claymores can be found by defeating the mooshroom monstrosity and are as follows :

Broadsword - The Broadsword is simple, it has a much higher damage then other claymores

The Heartstealer - This Claymore will have a chance to restore the users health with each attack

The Great Axeblade - This Claymore will always create a swirling AOE around its user with each attack, helping to damage nearby enemies


Rapiers are a interesting parallel to the Sword, they have decreased damage and durability, but come with a sweeping attack much like in Java Edition, meaning they excel at taking out groups of monsters.

The Unique Rapiers can be found by defeating the wretched wraith and are as follows :

Bee Stinger - The Bee Stinger will have a chance of summoning a buzzy bee to help attack monsters for a limited time.

Freezing Foil - Much like the Frost Scythe, the Freezing Foil will slow any enemy it attacks for a short while

Double Axes

Double Axes are a stronger variant of the Cleaving Axe, with each attack creating a small AOE of damage around the user to attack nearby foes.

The Unique Double Axes can be found by defeating the wretched wraith and are as follows :

Cursed Axe - This Axe will cause an explosion that damaged monsters whenever you score a kill, the stronger the mob you kill, the stronger the blast!

The Whirlwind - The Whirlwind will have a chance to create an AOE Shockwave around its target for more damage


Daggers are individually pretty weak, but with every attack you swing the weapon twice, letting you double up on damage, making them an interesting choice.

The Unique Daggers can be found by defeating the corrupted cauldron and are as follows :

Sheer Daggers - These Daggers will always create a swirling AOE around its user with each attack, helping to damage nearby enemies

Frost Knives - The Frost Knives will slow down the target of their attacks for a short period

Moon Daggers - Along side collecting extra souls, these Daggers will have a chance to land a critical hit, dealing double damage, with a higher chance the more souls you have


Cutlasses are quite similar to Swords, with efficient, powerful slicing attacks to deter foes.

The Unique Cutlasses can be found by defeating the corrupted cauldron and are as follows :

Nameless Blade - Each strike of the Nameless Blade will inflict weakness on all nearby foes

Dancers Sword - The Dancers Sword grants a boost to your speed and strength for each monster you defeat with it


Longswords have a unique trait to them, just like in the old versions of the game, you can block attacks with them to reduce incoming damage!

The Unique Longswords can be found by defeating the Jungle Abomination and are as follows :

Diamond Longsword - This shiny sword has a greatly improved damage compared to its counterparts

The Hawkbrand - An elegant weapon with a chance for each hit to strike for twice the damage


Whips are very special weapons, being easy to make and hard to master. The attack strength of the whip increases the further you get from your opponent - neat!

The Unique Whip can be found by defeating the Jungle Abomination and is as follows :

Vine Whip - This whip is made of venomous vines, with each attack leaving a devastating poisonous effect on the target


Battlestaves are like a reverse of the Rapier, where the sweeping effect they have is much more powerful and covers a larger area, but the weapon itself is not as strong

The Unique Battlestaves can be found by defeating the Tempest Golem and is as follows :

The Battlestaff of Terror - This Staff will cause an explosion that damaged monsters whenever you score a kill, the stronger the mob you kill, the stronger the blast!

The Growing Staff - The Growing staff will deal increasingly higher damage depending on how much damage its target has already taken

Tempest Knives

Tempest knives are similar to their Soul equivalents, They have the same attack power and have a half a second cool-down, but rather then having enhanced soul collection, defeating a mob with these knives earns you a speed boost

The Unique Tempest Knives can be found by defeating the Tempest Golem and are as follows :

Chill Gale Knife - This Knife slows down foes that you damage

Resolute Tempest Knife - The Resolute Tempest Knife will deal increasingly higher damage depending on how much damage its target has already taken


Anchors are huge, hulking weapons with extremely high damage and an equally huge attack cooldown, they also create a huge shockwave with each attack

The Unique Anchor can be retrieved from the Ancient Guardian and is as follows :

Encrusted Anchor - This glistening weapon will poison each enemy you attack

Coral Blades

Coral Blades are swift striking, with low damage, but they get much stronger when the target is underwater

The Unique Coral Blade can be retrieved from the Ancient Guardian and is as follows :

Sponge Striker  - The Sponge Striker registers the damage that you take, and channels it into your next attack

Bone Clubs

Bone Clubs are a sort of side-grade to the Claymore, they have higher damage and keep the boosted knockback, but are unable to be enchanted.

The Unique Bone Club is obtained from the Hovering Inferno and is as follows :

Bone Cudgel - A more refined club that deals much more damage to illagers


Sawblades may not be all that powerful to start, but each successful attack makes the next one hotter and stronger, be warned though, there is a chance an attack will lead it overheat and break down temporarily

The Unique Sawblade is obtained from the Hovering Inferno and is as follows :

Mechanised Sawblade - This stronger blade has a reduced chance to overheat



These weapons are fully coded in, however their Unique Variants are unobtainable currently for survival players.

Obsidian Claymores

Obsidian Claymores are essentially a more powerful hammer, they lack the area damage but have huge attack power and an even longer cooldown

The Unique Obsidian Claymore can only be obtained in creative and is as follows :

The Starless Night - This huge blade will deal huge knockback and area damage to all who are close to its target


New Ranged Weapons

There are 28 new ranged weapons in the addon, 12 Bows & 16 Crossbows

Each weapon type has the common variant that can be crafted by anyone, and then it's unique variant(s) which can only be looted from boss structures and are stronger with greater effects

To repair a unique weapon, just combine it on an anvil with its common form

Read the tabs below for info on each weapon type

Vanilla Bow

The classic Bow is the same as in the original game, but it has two unique variants you can get from the Nameless One

Bonebow - Arrows shot by the Bonebow will get larger and stronger overtime

Twin Bow - Arrows shot by the Twin Bow will ping to multiple nearby enemies


The Longbow is similar to a normal bow, but with higher durability and a longer draw time, there are two unique variants earned from the Jungle Abomination

Guardian Bow - This bow can inflict much stronger knockback then other bows

Red Snake - Arrows fired by the Red Snake will explode on impact, damaging any nearby mob

Snow Bows

Snow Bows have a special characteristic, they will slow down any foe that they hit, it has one unique variant that is dropped by the Wretched Wraith

Winter's Touch - The Winter's Touch will stun an enemy for a second after impact, preventing its ground movement

Wind Bows

The Wind Bow, while taking slightly longer to draw, has the special effect of pulling target foes towards its user, it has two uniques that are dropped by the Tempest Golem

Burst Gale Bow - This bow can be drawn without reducing your running speed

The Echo of the Valley - Arrows shot by the Echo of the Valley will ping to multiple nearby enemies

Nether Vine Bows

These bows have a signature stench, with their arrows leaving a poisonous mist that damages mobs as they travel through the air, it has one unique dropped by the Hovering Inferno

Weeping Vine Bow - This bow can be drawn without reducing your running speed


Vanilla Crossbows

The classic Crossbow is identical to the original game, it has no Unique variants.... 

yet... 😛

Burst Crossbows

Burst Crossbows can be loaded much faster then other crossbows, it has two unique variants obtained from the Corrupted Cauldron

Corrupted Crossbow - The Corrupted Crossbow has a 10% chance to inflict a powerful critical hit with each arrow

Soul Hunter Crossbow - This Crossbow has a chance to deal a critical hit that rises with each soul you possess

Harpoon Crossbows

Harpoon Crossbows are quite useful underwater, with their damage increased when using harpoon arrows, there is one unique, dropped by the Ancient Guardian

Nautical Crossbow - Arrows fired by this crossbow will pierce through multiple foes

Soul Crossbows

Soul Crossbows are effective weapons which grant you increased soul collection, it has two unique variants obtained from the Mooshroom Monstrosity

Voidcaller  - The Voidcaller will draw nearby mobs towards the impact of its arrows

Feral Soul Crossbow - The Feral Soul Crossbow has a chance to deal a critical hit that rises with each soul you possess

Exploding Crossbows

The Exploding Crossbow takes especially long to draw, but its arrows pack a punch with explosive rounds, its unique variants are dropped from the Redstone Monstrosity

Firebolt Thrower - The Firebolt Thrower can be drawn 33% faster then its counterparts

Imploding Crossbow - Alongside a powerful explosion, this crossbow will draw nearby mobs towards the impact of its arrows

Heavy Crossbows

Heavy Crossbows add some serious strength to their arrows, and have immense durability too, they have two uniques dropped by the Wretched Wraith

Doom Crossbow - This crossbow can inflict much stronger knockback then other crossbows

Slayer Crossbow - Arrows shot by the Slayer Crossbow will ping to multiple nearby enemies

Cog Crossbows

Cog Crossbows have an extensive draw time, but all their arrows deal extremely high damage to boot! There is one unique variant dropped by the Hovering Inferno

Pride of the Piglins - Arrows fired by this crossbow will pierce through multiple foes



Artefacts are powerful items you can collect by defeating powerful monsters; you can use them like any other item, and they will never be used up (though there is a cool down between uses)

Artefacts can be crafted, except for Rare Artefacts, and those dropped by the endersent, you craft artefacts using diamond dust, dropped by redstone golems 

Some Artefacts are marked with green sparkles indicating they are rare, this also comes with a power boost.

All Artefacts

Totem of Regeneration - Guarded by the Redstone Monstrosity

Soul Healer - Guarded by the Redstone Monstrosity

Iron Hide Amulet - Guarded by the Redstone Monstrosity

Harvester - Guarded by the Nameless One

Shock Powder - Guarded by the Nameless One

Gong of Weakening - Guarded by the Nameless One

Blast Fungus - Guarded by the Hovering Inferno

Totem of Shielding - Guarded by the Hovering Inferno

Powershaker - Guarded by the Hovering Inferno

Shadow Shifter - Dropped by Endersent

Vexing Chant - Dropped by Endersent

Satchel of Elements - Guarded by the Wretched Wraith

Wind Horn - Guarded by the Wretched Wraith

Ice Wand - Guarded by the Wretched Wraith

Death Cap Mushroom - Guarded by the Mooshroom Monstrosity

Totem of Casting - Guarded by the Mooshroom Monstrosity

Enchanted Grass - Guarded by the Mooshroom Monstrosity

Buzzy Nest - Guarded by the Corrupted Cauldron

Lightning Wand - Guarded by the Corrupted Cauldron

Boots of Swiftness - Guarded by the Corrupted Cauldron

Corrupted Seeds - Guarded by the Jungle Abomination 

Light Feather - Guarded by the Jungle Abomination 

Golem Kit - Guarded by the Jungle Abomination 

Scatter Mines - Guarded by the Tempest Golem

Enchanters Tome - Guarded by the Tempest Golem

Updraft Tome - Guarded by the Tempest Golem

Satchel of Snacks - Guarded by the Ancient Guardian

Satchel of Elixirs - Guarded by the Ancient Guardian

Eye of the Guardian - Guarded by the Ancient Guardian

Each one has a description in game that warns what it does, so i won't explain what each one does here

New Armour

There is 29 Types of armour across 13 'types'. 

Much like weapons, only the commons can be crafted, the unique variants must be obtained from defeating monsters, with unique variants having special boosts if the full set is equipped

Here is a full list of armours in the pack

Dark Armour

The Dark Armour can be crafted with existing iron armour and a mix of iron and redstone, it's unique variant is found within the fiery forge, and is as follows

Titans Shroud - When fully equipped, it's damage protection is boosted further

Grim Armour

The Grim Armour can be crafted with many bones, it's unique variant is found within the nameless ruins, and is as follows

Wither Armour - When fully equipped, it's user can restore health by defeating mobs

Wolf Armour

The Wolf Armour can be crafted with ma mix of bones and leather, it's unique variants are found within the mushroom ruins, and are as follows

Black Wolf Armour - When fully equipped, it's users strength is boosted

Fox Armour - When fully equipped, it's users sprinting speed will increase

Snow Armour

The Sniw Armour can be crafted with a mix of iron and ice, it's unique variant is found within the lone fortress, and is as follows

Frost Armour - When fully equipped, it's user emits a chilling aura that slows nearby monsters

Evocation Robes

The Evocation Robes can be crafted with a mix of wool and gold, it's unique variants are found within the corrupt coven, and are as follows
Wearing a full set of any evocation robes will decrease the duration of artefact cool-downs by 30%

Verdant Robes - When fully equipped, the wearer of these robes will collect twice as many souls

Ember Robes - When fully equipped, this armour burns any foe that attacks you

Ocelot Armour

Ocelot Armour is crafted with a both leather and cocoa, it's unique variant is found within the overgrown temple, and is as follows

Shadow Walker - When fully equipped, this mysterious armour will grant you a large damage resistance when sprinting 

Emerald Armour

Emerald Armour is crafted with.. emeralds, its unique variants are found within the gale sanctum, and are listed below
Wearing a full set of any emerald armours will cause defeated monsters to drop more exp

Opulent Armour - Levelling up grants 5s of damage immunity

Gilded Glory - When below 50% health, this armour turns your collected levels into healing

Turtle Armour

Turtle Armour is crafted with turtle scutes, its unique variant is found inthe abyssal monument, and are listed below
Wearing a full set of any turtle armours will boost the power of your healing

Nimble Turtle Armour - When you take damage, this armour will boost your speed

Squid Armour

Squid Armour is crafted with ink sacs, its unique variant is found within the abyssal monument, and are listed below
Wearing a full set of any squid armours will spray ink to weaken your attackers

Glow Squid Armour - This armour boosts the duration of your invincibility after being damaged

Thief Armour

Thief Armour can be crafted with gunpowder, it's unique variant is found in the fiery forge and is listed below
Wearing a full set of any thief armours will decrease the cooldown of weapons by 25%

Spider Armour - This armour will restore your health for a % of all damage dealt

Root Rot Armour

Root Rot armour can be crafted with moss, its unique variant can be found in the overgrown temple and is listed below
Wearing a full set of any Root Armours will grant hunger upon using an artefact

Black Spot Armour - Using an artefact while wearing this armour restores some health

Piglin Armour

Piglin Armour can be crafted with leather and quartz and it's unique variant can be found in the Nether Arena, listed below

Golden Piglin Armour - Using an artefact while wearing this armour restores some health

Sprout Armour

Sprout Armour is crafted from nether sprouts and has one unique variant found in the Nether Arena and is listed below
Wearing a full set of sprout armours will weaken and poison nearby monsters as you sprint

Living Vines Armour - As nearby mobs take damage from poison, you heal






These two items didn't really fit anywehere else, so let's talk about the Book of Heroes and Blue Print

Crafted with gold, the Book of heroes can be used to read up on any of the armour, weapons or artefacts you collect, it contains a lot more detailed descriptions then this page does, but can only tell you about items you have already collected!

Meanwhile, the Blue Print is an item either found in boss chests or crafted with diamond dust. You can use it in the crafting grid to duplicate any unique weapon, wow!


All Sounds and some textures have been taken from Minecraft Dungeons

Shoutout EmptyCoso for helping out when i was first making this addon

VactiraKing for the Custom Bow template

Thanks to the following for helping to test New Bosses

Oreocat3564 - Redstone Monstrosity & Wretched Wraith

Yeg Geg - Nameless One & Corrupted Cauldron

Maxolotl3050 - Mooshroom Monstrosity & Ancient Guardian

TheBirdDoctor24 - Jungle Abomination

Bruck - Tempest Golem 

Vooks - The Hovering Inferno


This addon is being updated in memory of my dear friend Amelia, i have no idea where i would be today without her and hope to continue her legacy through this addon

Select version for changelog:




Requires minimum of version 1.21.50 to work



Ask in my discord!

creator: Alylica

This topic was modified 1 day ago by McBedrock
Topic starter Posted : 22/05/2023 4:29 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 24/03/2025 6:21 pm