Amazing Wildlife Addon Beta
Amazing Wildlife is an addon that focuses on bring you a big amount of animals to your game, this addon will add mostly birds and mammals, most of the animals can be tamed and in future versions they will give you items, note: this addon is still in beta
Submitted by @Geckoboy17 to the circle team
Introducing the creature
Disclaimer : always use the link from MCBedrock only and always credit the creator don’t be stupid by making ads app for download this addon if we seen any app that tried to claim this addon we might take down the Developer
Creator’s Twitter:
Discord server:
Credit to Developers: GECKOBOY, owner, modeler and texturer
alexis15, co owner, animator and coder
Parasaurolophus, honorary modeler
Meteor comrade, modeler
Mr magikarp, orca model
Sansdragonkiller, animator
Some of the work in progress models (not included in this version)
Just click the download link turn on experimental gameplay!