Anime Characters Ver. 9.0.3
This add-on adds 385+ different characters, each one with different characteristics that will surely be useful in your adventures. If you like videogames, manga, or anime, this add-on is perfect for you. This add-on will add your favorite characters to your adventures as adventure companions.
Characteristics of the entity:
You can activate or deactivate the generation of waifus/husbands the world. Regardless of this setting you will always be able to craft the entities on the crafting table. Entities do not interfere with the spawning of other Minecraft entities (animals, monsters, etc.).

Craft Entities:
You can create ALL entities with a crafting table and the necessary materials, once you have your spawn item, you just need to use it (The entity is automatically tamed by the player using the item).

Entities Spawn:
Entities will spawn naturally, some spawn only at night, others only in certain biomes, etc. Entities do not interfere with the spawning of other Minecraft entities (animals, monsters, etc.).

Friendship (To tame):
To make a friendship with an waifu / husbando, we must use some of the following objects: “Poppy” (and some more flowers), “Cookie” and “Apple”. Depending on the character, it can cost us more or less objects. Also, if you are the owner, you will not be able to damage your own characters.

When we are friends with a character, we can see his life (Among many more things that are explained below).
Behavior (Tame):
If we are friends with a character, he will follow us and help us when facing enemies. The behavior can vary a bit depending on the character, but it is the same concept in all. (Note: Creepers don't like they.)
When we are friends with an entity we can use its inventory to store objects, this inventory is private for the owner, but if the entity dies it will drop all the objects. (The maximum number of objects may vary depending on the entity).

Characters have different health and attack stats from each other, based on the following parameters. Depending on the power that the character has from his saga of origin, his statistics will be defined based on the most appropriate parameters for the character (There may be some variations, but for the most part there are not).
Lv 1: MiniCharacter
Atk: 0
HP: 5
Lv 2: Student
Atk: 6 UAtk: 12
HP: 20 UHP: 40
Lv 3: Adventurer
Atk: 9 UAtk: 16
HP: 35 UHP: 65
Lv 4: Knight
Atk: 12 UAtk: 17
HP: 45 UHP: 80
Lv 5: Hero
Atk: 14 UAtk: 22
HP: 55 UHP: 100
Lv 6: Angel
Atk: 16 UAtk: 28
HP: 65 UHP: 110
Lv 7: DemiGod
Atk: 18 UAtk: 30
HP: 80 UHP: 130
Lv 8: God
Atk: 20 UAtk: 40
HP: 100 UHP: 150
The statistics with a "U" represent the amount of attack and health that the characters can have if we equip them with an improvement item, in this case, for the attack it is an Attack Prism and for life a Life Prism, these objects they can be crafted at any time and by equipping it the health and/or attack will go up.
We can equip armor and swords to the characters, for this we will need them to be seated, and we will have to throw the armor at them to equip them. If it doesn't work, try to drop the armor in different ways, such as; looking up, she will eventually take it.

Armors can increase the waifu's/husband's defense statistics, just like swords, the attack. Entities decide the hierarchy of the armor they take and discard, for example, if an entity has a gold helmet and we give it a diamond one, it will take the diamond one and drop the other (This applies to all equipment). Entities will also benefit from the enchantments that the armor or weapon has.
We can feed our characters with most edible foods in the game so that they recover health.

Sit and Stand:
If we crouch down and interact with a character, he will sit down and if he is already sitting down, he will stand up.

Mode Changes:
Entities have 2 modes, peaceful and neutral, in addition, we will have an indicator that will tell us what mode it is in, blue is neutral, white is peaceful..

By default, these are in neutral, only attacking hostile entities or those that the player has hit,
On the other hand, in peaceful mode the entity will never attack any entity or player, because it cannot defend itself, it will not be able to receive any fatal blow.

To change mode we must sit down on the entity, bend down and hit it, this will make it change mode.

Also, in peaceful mode, his armor will not be visible, since it's not necessary, but the armor is still there, it's just not visible.
Very useful if we only want to use them as chests with legs or if we want to do a pvp with our friend without them interfering.
Characters will be able to sleep, as long as they are standing, not in attack mode, and have a litter assigned nearby. The bed is assigned automatically (similar to the behavior of villagers). If there is no danger and it is nighttime, they will go to sleep.

Regeneration ability:
Some characters have the ability to put regeneration 1 on themselves and their owner when a fight ends, the amount of time of the effect is different depending on the character. (Sometimes they can also give feedback to other entities that are part of our team).

Unique behavior:
Some characters may have custom behaviors, such as increased speed, supernatural stats, or being damaged by certain things.
Like for example Nezuko, she only spawns at night and can take damage from sunlight, so be careful.

Archer entity/ Psychic entity:
Some entities (Amber, Yoimiya, Fischl, Ganyu, Venti, Yelan, Siesta, Nobara, Revy and Kurumi) will use a bow and arrows to attack. The arrows change their design depending on whether they have an “Attack Prism” or not, not only that, they will also give special effects when attacking enemies and probably do more damage. For example; Yelan, Siesta and Yuuki's arrows would give the enemy a “Levitation” effect.

The entities (Yelan, Siesta, Yuuki, etc) can have different types of arrows and behaviors, such as agile archers. There are several types of arrow in the archer entities that will change depending on the character, to get the most out of it, it is recommended to improve the arrows by equipping said entity with an attack prism.

Other entities (Gojo and Kaworu) attack with the “mind”…

“Magical” Behavior
Some entities with this behavior will launch a “magic wave” as their first attack, when the magic wave is used they have a cooldown, while the “magic wave” attack is recovering the entities will use their physical attack, if they do not reach the enemy to wait until they can use their “magic wave” attack again.

This type of character, apart from his much smaller appearance, cannot attack any entity. However, they have an inventory in which we can store items, they also have invincibility to any type of damage, so the only way to remove them is with commands.

The mini characters can climb on your shoulders if you sit down and get close to them, to get them down you just need to bend over or swim in deep waters.

These characters only make friends with objects like a cookie or a cake (Although Klee also likes the TNT). Normally, when they are generated naturally, they will be generated with some normal character, example; Anya can spawn with Loid or Yor (or both), Anya will start following whatever character she spawned with (This also applies to Kanna and Klee, but with different characters).

If for some reason they lose sight of the character they were following (Example; Anya loses sight of Yor) or this character dies, they will start following any other normal character they encounter, so it is possible to find any Anya following a Mikasa or things like that.

Improvement diamonds:
The prisms will help you to improve the statistics of your favorite characters, these 2 objects are crafted, and each one has its function, the attack prism increases the attack and the life prism increases life (Obviously).

Revitalizing Mirror, Souls, Character Restarter and Wandering spawn items, :
Did your partner fall in battle? Did your friend accidentally kill your favorite character? Don't worry, when your favorite characters die they will leave their soul, if you take it and save it, you can revive it. By crafting a Revitalizing Mirror, an item that if given a soul can revive a character.

We can equip armor and swords to the characters, for this we will need them to be seated, and we will have to throw the armor at them to equip them. But, what if we want our armor or sword back? The only solution to this is to cause the character to die (I swear this method is painless!) That's what this item is for, using this method will also return the power diamonds that the entity had equipped, unlike a normal death, with this we lose fewer things (Even so we will need the mirror to revive them). You can create this item on the crafting table.

You can also equip a totem in the same way that upgrade diamonds are equipped.

Wandering spawn items:
Don't want the character to spawn by default with your friendship? You can then use the errant version of her spawn item, this will cause the entity to spawn in a wild state.

Changing skin:
Some entities (Shiina, Yor, Rei, Ryuko, Keqing, Tartaglia, Mai, Asuka Emilia - Satella, Joker, Hu Tao, Fischl, Nia, Michiru, Bronya, Mikasa, Kurimi Tokisaki, Yuno Gasai, Zhongli, etc) change their skin depending on the time of day.

And other entities (Barbara, Ayato, Albedo, Thoma, Zerotwo, Jean, Tartaglia, etc) change their skin depending on whether they are in water or not.

Unfortunately, due to changes in the way Minecraft works, we were unable to implement the weapon skill mechanics. We have significantly reduced the cost of crafting these weapons. We regret the inconvenience and hope to fix it soon.

ATK: 14
Durability: 350
-Activate one of the 4 Monado arts (Plus the "failed Monado" art):
Attrition on Activation: -5
1-[24%] Speed:
Speed x3
Jump_Boost x5
2-[24%] Buster:
Strength x2
3-[24%] Shield:
Resistance x3
Fire_resistance x5
4-[24%] Healer:
Saturation Area
Absorption Area x5
Instant_health Area x5 (5sec)
Regeneration Area x5 (20sec)
0-[4%] Monado Failed:
Poison x5
Blindness (18sec)
Hunger x2
-Can be repaired with a copper ingot 6 repair points
Passive Skill:
-You can mine any block of some metal or redstone at a higher speed and as the block's assigned weapon (Ex: If you mine an iron ore it will drop the iron). Not only that, if you mine an assigned block the weapon will not wear out.

Aegis Sword of Pyra:
ATK: 17
Durability: 350
Right click:
-Activate the sword skill:
Strength [15sec, x3]
Fire_resistance [15sec]
Slowness [15sec, x5]
Attrition on Activation: -5
-Can be repaired with a Blaze Powder 5 repair points

Aegis Sword of Mythra
ATK: 18
Durability: 350
Right click:
-Activate the sword skill:
Attrition on Activation: -5
Speed [30sec, x3]
Night_vision [30sec]
Haste [8sec]
Weakness [30sec, x6]
-Can be repaired with a glowstone dust 5 repair points

Aegis Sword of Pneuma
ATK: 20
Durability: 350
Right click:
-Activate the sword skill:
Attrition on Activation: -5
Speed [10sec, x3]
Night_vision [10sec]
Conduit_power [10sec]
Resistance [10sec, x3]
-Can be repaired with a sculk 5 repair points

List of characters and conditions for spawning:
If they do not have any conditions, the waifu/husband will appear in the day in any place where animals can appear

1-Tanjiro Kamado (Only at night)
2-Mona Megistus (Only at night)
3-Hu Tao (Only in the Nether)
4-Xiao (Only at night)
5-Mikasa Ackerman.
6-Levi Ackerman (Only at night)
8-Barbara Pegg
9-Shoto Todoroki (Only in the Nether)
10-Annie Leonhart (Only in the desert)
11-Kaedehara Kazuha
13-Izuku Midoriya
14-Albedo (Only in cold biomes)
16-Asuka Langley Sōryū
17-Darkness (Only in the desert)
18-Megumin (Only in the Nether)
19-Shogun Raiden (Only at night)
20-Kaede Akamatsu
21-Chiaki Nanami (Only at night)
22-Kyoko Kirigiri
23-Kaworu Nagisa (Only in the End)
24-Alex (Only in Forest and Taiga)
25-Mai Sakurajima
26-Rikka Takanashi
27-Hayase Nagatoro (Only in the desert)
28-ZeroTwo (Only in cold biomes)
29-Saitama (Does not spawn naturally)
30-Miku Hatsune (Only in the End)
31-Asuna Yuuki
32-Hinata Hyūga
33-Sasuke Uchiha (Only at night)
34-Naruto Uzumaki (Only in the desert)
35-Nejire Hado (Only in cold biomes)
36-Ochako Uraraka
37-Shouko Komi
38-Shinobu Kochō (Only at night)
39-Nezuko Kamado (Only at night)
40-Mitsuri Kanroji (Only at night)
41-Sinon (Only in the desert)
43-Tartaglia-Nobile (Only at night)
44-Robert E-O-Speedwagon
45-Destiny (Only at night)
48-Rei Ayanami (Only in the End)
49-Takt Asahina.(Only in cold biomes)
50-Kagamine Rin (Only in the desert)
54-Steve (Only in Forest and Taiga)
55-KizunaKizuna AI
56-Amelia Watson
57-Gawr Gura
58-Korone Inugami
59-Miko Yotsuya-(Only at night)
60-Kurumi Tokisaki (Only in the Nether)
61-Monika (Only in the End)
63-Noé Archiviste
64-Ena Shinonome
65-Lisa (Only at night)
66-Rias Gremory (Only in the Nether)
67-2B (Only at night)
70-Yoimiya (Only at night)
71-Sumi Sakurasawa
76-Nino Nakano
77-Miku Nakano
78-Yotsuba Nakano (Only at day)
79 Itsuki Nakano
80-Felix Argyle
81-Zhongli (Only at night)
82-Howl Jenkins Pendragon
83-Dazai Osamu (Only at night)
84-Yoruichi Shihōin (Only at day in the desert)
85-Rukia Kuchiki (Only at night)
86-Reimu Hakurei
87-Yuno Gasai (Only at night)
88-Marin Kitagawa
89-Yumeko Jabami (Only at night)
90-Seras Victoria (Only at day)
92-Satoru Gojo (Only in the End).
93-Nobara Kugisaki (Only in cold biomes).
94 Yuuji Itadori (Only in the Nether).
95-Marisa Kirisame (Only in cold biomes).
97-Pyra (Only at day)
98-Mythra (Only at night)
99-All Might
100-Cynthia (Only in the End).
101-Alice [SAO]
102-Zenitsu Agatsuma (Only at night)
105-Yae Miko
106-Joker-(Only at night)
108-Katsuki Bakugo
110-Violet Evergarden
112-Mori Calliope
114-Takanashi Kiara
115-Ryuko Matoi
116-Obanai Iguro (Only at night)
117-Ban (Only in the Nether).
118-Sakura Haruno
119-Kyōka Jirou
120-Tamaki Amajiki
122-Hilda 123-Serena
125-Sonia Nevermind
127-Toga Himiko
130-Tamaki Kotatsu
131-Lázuli-Android 18
132-Yelan (Only at night)
135-Thoma (Only in the Nether)
137-Kamisato Ayato
138-Ichika Nakano
139-Yor Forger
140-Loid Forger
141-Eugeo (Only in cold biomes)
142-Kirito (Only in the End)
143-Yuuki Konno
145-Ichigo Kurosaki
147-Nekomata Okayu
150-Red (Only in cold biomes)
152-Hange Zoë
153-Historia Reiss
154-Rengoku (Only at night)
155-Giyu Tomioka (Only at night)
157-Misa Amane
159-Revy Rebecca Lee (Only in the desert)
161-Mashiro Shiina
162-Tifa Lockhart
163-Tifa Lockhart
164-Chizuru Ichinose
165-Bowsette (Only in the Nether)
166-Hana Uzaki
167-Itachi Uchiha
169-Chika Fujiwara
170-Ruka Sarashina
171-Genos (Only at night)
172-Elizabeth Liones
173-Erwin Smith (Only at night)
175-Lucy Heartfilia
176-Erza Scarlet
178-Hanabi Hyuga
180-Light Yagami (Only in the Nether)
183-Kiyotaka Ayanokoji
184-Yuichi Katagiri (Only at night)
185-Nao Tomori
186-Jotaro Kujo
187-Jolyne Cujoh (Only at night)
188-Joseph Joestar (Only at night)
189-Diane (Only at night)
192-Rin Tohsaka
193-Chun-Li (Only at night)
194-Hanako (Only in the Nether)
195-Tsukasa Tsukuyomi (Only at night)
196-Mitsuha Miyamizu
197-Ino Yamanaka
199-Kiana Kaslana (K-423)
200-Raiden Mei
201-Modeus (Only in the Nether)
202-Azazel (Only at day)
203-Michiru Kagemori
204-Mei Misaki
205-Jean Gunnhildr
206-Aoi Asashina
207-Motoko Kusanagi
208-Rio Futaba
211-Rika Kawai
212-Bronya Zaychik
213-Yae Sakura
214-Fischl (Only at night)
215-Kamisato Ayaka
216-Rosaria (Only in cold biomes)
217-Pneuma (Only in the End)
218-Byleth Eisner-Female
219-Byleth Eisner-Male
221-Morag Ladair (Only in the desert)
223-Cloud Strife
225-Anya Forger
226-Kanna Kamui
229-Inosuke (Only at night)
230-Layla (Only in cold biomes)
234-Camilla FE
235-Wiz (Only in the End)
240-Osana Najimi
241-Tadano Hitohito
245-Candace (Only in the desert)
246-Diluc (Only at night)
248-Kaguya Shinomiya
255-Junko Enoshima (Only in the Nether)
256-Hitori Gotoh
257-Cyno (Only in the desert)
258-Heizou (Only at night)
259-Hawks (Only in the desert)
260-Uzui (Only at night)
262-Satsuki Kiryuin
266-Samus (Only in the End)
268-Momo Yaoyorozu
269-Denki Kaminari (Only at day)
270-Albedo (OW) (Only in the End)
272-Ai Hoshino(Only at Night)
273-March 7th (Only in Cold Biomes)
277-Momochi Kiruya / Karyl
278-Ann Takamaki (Nether)
279-Nazuna Nanakusa (Night)
280-Higashiyama Kobeni (Nether)
283-Kuki Shinobu
284-Aki Hayakawa (Only at Night)
285-Angel Devil (Only at Night)
287-Ruby Hoshino
288-Akane Kurokawa
289-Kana Arima
290-Futaba (Desert)
291-Kaveh (Desert)
293-Uzume Tennouboshi
294-Blanc (End)
295-Noire (End)
297-Eren Jeager
298-Hatake Kakashi
300-Welt Yang
302-Kochiya Sanae
305-Ikaruga (Cold Biomes)
309-Tamaki Ako
310-Mai Shiranui (Nether)
311-Phyllis (Cold Biomes)
312-Kafka (Nether)
314-Ais Wallenstein
315-Ryuu Lion
316-Shirasaki Kaori
317-Kita Ikuyo
319-Orihime Inoue
320-Akane Kurokawa
321-Kujou Sara
323-Neptune (End)
324-Artoria Pendragon
325-Tamamo no Mae
326-Akeno Himejima
329-Okita Souji
331-Stelle/Female Trailblazer
333-Kakudate Karin (Cold Biomes)
334- Noah (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
335- Mio (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
336- Lucina (FE)
337- Chrom (FE)
338- Tharja (FE) (Only in the End)
339- Corrin F (FE) (Only in the End)
340- Azura (FE) (Only in the End)
341- Edelgard (FE) (Nether)
342- Dimitri (FE) (Frozen)
343- Claude (FE) (Desert)
344- Felix (FE)
345- Dorothea (FE)
346- Linhardt (FE)
347- Rhea (FE) (Frozen)
348- Furina (GI) (Frozen)
349- Neuvillete (GI) (Frozen)
350- Charlotte (GI)
351- Navia (GI)
352- Marie (P4G)
353- Aigis (P3) (cherry_grove)
354- Naoto (P4) (Only in the End)
355- Yu (P4)
356- Anby Demara (ZZZ)
357- Fuuka (Persona 3)
358- Mitsuru (Persona 3) (Frozen)
359- Yukari (Persona 3) (Nether)
360- Akihiko (Persona 3) (Nether)
361- Makoto (Persona 3) (cherry_grove)
362- Elizabeth (Persona 3) (Only in the End)
363- Chie (Persona 4) (Desert)
364- Yosuke (Persona 4) (Desert)
365- Yukiko (Persona 4) (Nether)
366- Margaret (Persona 4) (Only in the End)
367- Rise (Persona 4)
368- Makoto (Persona 5) (Nether)
369- Shinoa Hiragi (Owari No Seraph)
370- Clorinde (Genshin Impact)
371- Wriothesley (Genshin Impact) (Frozen)
372- Fern (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End)
373- Yunyun (Konosuba) (Nether)
374- Kinich (Genshin Impact) (Only in the End)
375- Arlecchino (Genshin Impact) (Nether)
376- Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass) (Nether)
377- Jibril (No Game No Life) (Only in the End)
378- Billy Kid (ZZZ) (Desert)
379- Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
380- Belle (Zenless Zone Zero)
381- Leon Scott Kennedy
382- Terry Bogard (Desert)
383- Videl (DB)
384- Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail) (Frozen)
385- Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End)
386- Mualani (Genshin Impact)
387- Ellen Joe (ZZZ)
388- Nicole (ZZZ) (Nether)
Are you having any issues? Found a bug? Want to share something? Have a suggestion? Want to support developing the add-on? You can join our Discord server.
|| Warning
(If you update of the version 8.0/8.1 to the version 9.0/9.0.3)
It is possible that there are errors in the behavior of some entities, in the tests we carried out this is not the case, even so, you should be aware that it is possible that you may present errors in entities that already exist with the previous version
- 1- Noah (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
- 2- Mio (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
- 3- Lucina (FE)
- 4- Chrom (FE)
- 5- Tharja (FE)
- 6- Corrin F (FE)
- 7- Azura (FE)
- 8- Edelgard (FE)
- 9- Dimitri (FE)
- 10- Claude (FE)
- 11- Felix (FE)
- 12- Dorothea (FE)
- 13- Linhardt (FE)
- 14- Rhea (FE)
- 15- Furina (GI)
- 16- Neuvillete (GI)
- 17- Charlotte (GI)
- 18- Navia (GI)
- 19- Marie (P4G)
- 20- Aigis (P3)
- 21- Naoto (P4)
- 22- Yu (P4)
- 23- Anby Demara (ZZZ)
- 24- Fuuka (Persona 3)
- 25- Mitsuru (Persona 3)
- 26- Yukari (Persona 3)
- 27- Akihiko (Persona 3)
- 28- Makoto (Persona 3)
- 29- Elizabeth (Persona 3)
- 30- Chie (Persona 4)
- 31- Yosuke (Persona 4)
- 32- Yukiko (Persona 4)
- 33- Margaret (Persona 4)
- 34- Rise (Persona 4)
- 35- Makoto (Persona 5)
- 36- Shinoa Hiragi (Owari No Seraph)
- 37- Clorinde (Genshin Impact)
- 38- Wriothesley (Genshin Impact)
- 39- Fern (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End)
- 40- Yunyun (Konosuba)
- 41- Kinich (Genshin Impact)
- 42- Arlecchino (Genshin Impact)
- 43- Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
- 44- Jibril (No Game No Life)
- 45- Billy Kid (ZZZ)
- 46- Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
- 47- Belle (Zenless Zone Zero)
- 48- Leon Scott Kennedy
- 49- Terry Bogard
- 50- Videl (DB)
- 51- Silver Wolf (Honkai: Star Rail)
- 52- Frieren (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End)
- 53- Mualani (Genshin Impact)
- 54- Ellen Joe (ZZZ)
- 55- Nikole (ZZZ)
The following bugs were fixed:
- Friren texture bug
- Anya and Klee were extremely small in size
- Kujou Sara did not drop her soul when dying
- Raids to villages did not start
- Bowsette's recipe did not work
- And other littles changes
Download the behavior pack and resource pack and enjoy!
creator: Xione