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MCPE/Bedrock Annoying Villagers Weapons Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Annoying Villagers Weapons Addon


This is a great Addon,please use version 1.14 or higher and use Experimental gameplay. This addon was created By Greg MFM (me). The swords was appeared in annoying villagers created by Mrfudgemonkeyz. I also added a taco and a enchanted Taco ;D. One major flaw is that if this was used to multiplayer the swords won’t look normal. it would show, like you would hold a item on your hand instead of the sword position.


You have to turn on experimental mode for the addons to work 

How do you obtain these items?

You can obtain them by crafting them in survival and creative mode, but you can also obtain them by using the command of /give

Command: Villager Knight Sword: /give @p pa:knightsword

Command: Villager Scout Sword: /give @p pa:scoutsword 

Command: Villager Knight Dagger: /give @p pa:daggervillager

Command: Taco: /give @p pa:taco

Command: Taco: /give @p pa:enchantedtaco 

First sword is called Villager Knight sword. This sword was appeared in AV23, AV 27 and AV28 in the annoying villagers series   

Villager Knight sword:

It deals the damage of : 10

It has the durability of: 3000

If you would hold the sword you will have health of : 22

The Second sword is called the villager scout sword. This sword was first appeared in AV13 ,AV 23 (along with the villager knight sword) and AV25in annoying villagers series. 

Villager Scout sword:


It deals the damage of : 9


It has the durability of: 200


If you would hold the sword you will have health of : 22


The Third sword is called Villager Knights dagger which was appeared in AV25 from annoying villagers animation created by Mrfudgemonkeyz

Villager Knight Dagger:


It deals the damage of : 8


It has the durability of: 1500


If you would hold the sword you will have health of : 22


The food is called the taco which is boops loveable food i also made a enchanted one. The Taco also have effects like a golden apple i also made a enchanted taco which has more effects than the first taco

The normal taco would have effects like: Haste, regeneration, speed and strength.

The Enchanted Taco would have more effects like: Haste, regeneration, speed and strength, hero of the village, jump boost, fire resistance and night vision 


The sword pixel was a bit buggy. its fixed now




If there is any advertising (i hope not) please don't click it just skip for the risk of your device 

creator: Greg MFM


Topic starter Posted : 13/05/2020 4:44 pm