Another Weapons v1.9
In this addon i added in total of 25 new weapons to the game, not just swords but many others. Easy to craft & balanced with neat textures that will not ruin your gameplay experience.
All items in this Addon
(And there's one more weapon that for some reason goes to "Nature" tab)
From (this) update 1.9.3, and so on, you only can see changes on the changelog.
If you found/have issue, broken weapons, balance suggestions feel free to contact me privately on my Instagram @fandimobile, thank you.
- Here are the items And Recipes:
• Iron Longsword
Damage: 7 (Iron sword: 6)
Durability: 309 (Iron sword: 250)
Health: 16 (8 Hearts) (2=1 Heart)
Movement: 1× (Normal)
Item ID: pa:iron_longsword
• Iron Rapier
Damage: 6
Durability: 315
Health: 20
Movement: 1×
Item ID: pa:iron_rapier
• Iron Lance
Damage: 5
Durability: 158
Health: 18
Movement: 1.1×
Item ID: pa:iron_lance
• Iron Greatsword
Damage: 8
Durability: 567
Health: 22
Movement: 0.8×
Item ID: pa:iron_greatsword
• Iron Dagger
Damage: 7
Durability: 24
Health: 8
Movement: 1.3×
Item ID: pa:iron_dagger
• Iron Knife
Damage: 2
Durability: 47
Health: 12
Movement: 1.5×
Item ID: pa:iron_knife
• Iron Pike
Damage: 5
Durability: 120
Health: 16
Movement: 1.3×
Item ID: pa:iron_pike
• Iron Hammer
Damage: 7
Durability: 235
Health: 20
Movement: 0.9×
Item ID: pa:iron_hammer
• Iron Glaive
Damage: 6
Durability: 315
Health: 22
Movement: 0.9×
Item ID: pa:iron_glaive
• Steel Ingot
Used as material to craft steel weapons.
Item ID: pa:steel_ingot
• Steel Sword
Damage: 6
Durability: 555
Health: 20 (10 Hearts)
Movement: 1×
Item ID: pa:steel_sword
• Steel Katana
Damage: 8
Durability: 543
Health: 14
Movement: 1.1×
Item ID: pa:steel_katana
• Iron Sickle
Damage: 6
Durability: 504
Health: 16
Movement: 1.2×
Item ID: pa:steel_sickle
• Steel Mace
Damage: 7
Durability: 998
Health: 26
Movement: 0.7×
Item ID: pa:steel_mace
• Steel Shortsword
Damage: 4
Durability: 252
Health: 16
Movement: 1.3×
Item ID: pa:steel_shortsword
• Steel Machete
Damage: 7
Durability: 578
Health: 20 (10 Hearts)
Movement: 0.9×
Item ID: pa:steel_machete
• Steel Waraxe
(Not for chopping trees!)
Damage: 8
Durability: 613
Health: 20
Movement: 0.8×
Item ID: pa:steel_waraxe
• Steel Styche
Damage: 7
Durability: 650
Health: 20
Movement: 0.7×
Item ID: pa:steel_styche
• Steel Bat
Damage: 5
Durability: 857
Health: 22
Movement: 1×
Item ID: pa:steel_bat
• Heavy Gold ingot
Used as material to craft Advanced gold weapons, with more mass on it make these golds are now viable as Iron.
Item ID: pa:heavy_gold_ingot
• Golden Broadsword
Damage: 5
Durability: 313
Health: 20
Movement: 1×
Item ID: pa:golden_broadsword
• Golden Saber
Damage: 6
Durability: 256
Health: 16
Movement: 1.1×
Item ID: pa:golden_saber
• Golden Lance
Damage: 3
Durability: 157
Health: 18
Movement: 1.3×
Item ID: pa:golden_lance
• Golden Naginata
Damage: 4
Durability: 145
Health: 14
Movement: 1.3×
Item ID: pa:golden_naginata
• Golden Hatchet
Damage: 4
Durability: 122
Health: 12
Movement: 1.2×
Item ID: pa:golden_hatchet
To obtain All these weapons via command, use this:
"/function Another_Weapons"
Experimental (Beta) Weapons
These Experimental weapons are uncraftable from now on which means it is Creative-Exclusive.
1. Blowgun
Finally, the first, ranged weapon.
Shoots slowing-seeds.
(I know, i'm suck at making texture, don't judge me pls)
Type: Infinity
Damage: 4
Projectile velocity: 1.5
Projectile weight: 0.2
Shot delay: 5 seconds
This is an experimental weapon, of course it will cause some problems.
2. Emerald Blade
The first, power-embed sword.
Damage: 7
Durability: 100
Health: 20
Movement: 1×
-Special Ability:
Gives Hero of village effect, which discounts villager trade offers.
- Repairing (Updated)
You can now properly repair these weapons on Anvil, repairing recover 40 to 120 durability for each Base item.
-Iron Weapons repaired by Iron Ingot.
-Steel Weapons repaired by Steel Ingot.
-Heavy Gold Weapons repaired by Heavy Gold Ingot.
- Enchanting
You are able to enchant these weapons on Enchantment Table and with Enchanted books on Anvils.
- Miscellaneous
I'm not make 1.16.100+ requirement just for enchanting and else, but in 1.16.100+ these items appears in Creative & Survival inventory.
But these items ordered weirdly for some reason.
-Turn the experimental gameplay option on to spawn these items.
-Enabling any Addon on a world will result disabling it's Achievements.
That's all for now, stay tuned for another update. If you encountered bug or have adjustment advices please comment below, and if you like this Addon please rate 5 stars.
Don't know how that subscribing option works because i never use it, but if it works, you may do so you didn't miss the update, thank you!
Update 1.9.3 - Farewell Update
• General:
-Fancier Changelog.
Oh who might expect
-Metal stick has been removed.
Because single-purpose item feels odd.
I kept the texture for the holder however.
-Specific number of changes are now only on Changelog.
Just to avoid extra work of course
• Recipe changes:
-Metal Stick replaced by Stick.
-Iron Lance
To make it same as the gold variant.
• Weapon Adjustments:
-Most Weapons (↓): Durability nerf 25%/40% (Rounded up)
Because now they're easier to craft.
Miscellanous :
- Iron Katana (↓): HP; 20→16
- Iron Lance (~): DMG; 6→5
- Iron Dagger (~): DMG; 8→7, HP; 6→8
- Iron Knife (↓): DMG; 3→2
- Iron Pike (↓): Durability nerf 40%→70%
- Iron Hammer (↓) Durability nerf 40%→60%
- Iron Glaive (↓): DMG; 6→5
- Steel Mace (↓): Durability nerf 25%→15%
- Steel Sickle (↑): Durability; 486→504
- Steel Machete (↓): Durability nerf 25%→5%
- Steel Waraxe (↓): HP; 22→20
- Steel Shortsword (↓): Durability nerf 25%→10%, DMG; 5→4
- Steel Styche (~): Durability; 591→650, SPD; 0.8→0.7
- Steel Bat (~): HP; 20→22, SPD 0.11→0.1
- Golden Lance (↓): Durability nerf 40%→55%
- Golden Naginata (~): Durability nerf 40%→60%, HP; 16→14, SPD 0.11→0.13
- Golden Hatchet (↓): Durability nerf 25%→15%
[Keep in mind i nerfed weapons reasonably]
• Changes:
- Repairing has been adjusted to match vanilla. (It's actually overnumbered before)
Light; 100 → 40
Medium; 150 → 80
Heavy; 200 → 160
There are 2 ways to install the add-on.
1. Open it as .zip file and move the resource and behavior pack folder into the Minecraft file (games/com.mojang/resource_packs & .../behavior_packs).
2. Open it as .mcaddon file, and open it with Minecraft then it will automatically installed.
MediaFire seems like not recognize mcaddon extension, so it automatically turn the file format to zip. So there's no point of making separate files, if you want to use mcaddon format just rename and remove the ".zip".