Anti-Combat Log (1.20.x) (BIG UPDATE!)
Anti Combat Log prevents players from Combat Logging (duh) and adds features such as Anti Spawn Kill! The addon doesn't have player.json which means it is compatible with every addon!
Anti Combat Log in a nutshell
Anti Combat Log kills players who combat logs and drops their items on the ground, the addon also adds an Anti Spawn Kill feature which prevents players who just died from getting killed for 30s (You can change the amount of time people are in combat for and how much time people are protected by Anti Spawn Kill)
Default Prefix: ==
1. ==help
This command shows you all commands ingame
2. ==combattimer <3-180>
This command changes the amount of time you're in combat in
3. ==spawnkilltime <3-600>
This command changes the amount of time players are protected by Anti Spawn Kill
4. ==mobtriggerlog <true/false>
This command sets whether or not mobs trigger combat
5. ==disabletpcombat <true/false>
This command sets whether or not players can teleport while in combat
6. ==itemdroplog <true/false>
This command sets whether or not items drop immediately when a player leaves during combat
7. ==check
Check whether you're in combat or not
8. ==relievesp
Gets rid of your spawn protection (If you are spawn protected)
Welcome Message
When you join, you are greeted with a welcome message
Experimental Features
- Beta APIS
If you still need more information, go to this YouTube video!:
You are allowed to:
- Showcase this addon WITH CREDITING
- Use this addon in your worlds/servers/realms
You are NOT allowed to:
- Repost this addon to other sites
- Create your own download link
- Claim this addon as your own
Currently, this addon only works on 1.20.x and the addon is compatible with all addons, including anticheats
- Added 1.20 support
- Added new commands:
- ==itemdroplog <true/false>
- ==mobtriggerlog <true/false>
- ==disabletpcombat <true/false>
- ==relievesp
- Rewrote a lot of the code
- Made Anti Spawn Kill better
- Items now drop immediately if itemdroplog is true
- Mobs now trigger combat if mobtriggerlog is true
- Players will no longer be able to teleport in combat if disabletpcombat is true
- Improved the combat action bar
- You can now set the combat time up to 3 minutes
- Bug fixes
- Other features I probably forgot to include here
why did it take me so long to update this lol
- Click download link
- Press blue button
Android and IOS
- Go to your file explorer
- Search "Anti Combat Log"
- The addon should show up as "Anti-Combat Log.mcaddon", if it shows up as "Anti Combat", rename it to "Anti Combat Log.mcaddon"
- Open the Anti Combat Log.mcaddon file
- Go to your file explorer
- Click on downloads
- Double click on "Anti Combat Log.mcaddon" (Open the Anti Combat Log.mcaddon file)
If you download the zip:
- Extract the zip
- Move the Anti Combat Log BP folder to your behavior packs folder
- Move the Anti Combat Log folder to your resource packs folder
BP - C:\Users\Hp\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\resource_packs
RP - C:\Users\Hp\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\games\com.mojang\behavior_packs
BP - storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/behavior_packs
RP - storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/resource_packs
Search com.mojang in files app
- The addon isn't working, why?
You need to turn on experimental features