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MCPE/Bedrock Apples Plus By Slimeboy1234 (ORES UPDATE)

Illustrious Member Admin

Apples Plus By Slimeboy1234 (ORES UPDATE)


Do you guys wish that Mojang A.K.A the creators of Minecraft should add more apples to the game? If you guys say "yes" Well you're in luck because in this Addon, I added 60+ Apples to the game. Each apple is unique, and they each will give you different effects when consumed. Read the following to understand how to craft each apple. You can also beat the game by collecting the apples and using them to kill the dragon! I DID IT AND IT WORKS. 

NOTE: Make sure to activate Bonus chest setting before creating the world!! Apples are more common in that chest!

 Before you do that, if you're someone who likes to figure out things yourself, well you can skip this part and go into downloading the addon. If you want to know the recipes, click each title to know!

  • Oak Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 oak planks.
  • Spruce Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 spruce planks.
  • Birch Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 birch planks.
  • Jungle Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 jungle planks.
  • Acacia Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 acacia planks.
  • Dark Oak Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 dark oak planks.
  • Crimson Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 crimson planks.
  • Warped Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 warped planks.
  • Dirt Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 dirt blocks.
  • Sand Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 sand blocks.
  • Apple - fill all crafting table slots with apple slice.
  • Bone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 bones.
  • Cobblestone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 cobblestone
  • Mossy Cobblestone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 mossy cobblestone.
  • Sandstone Apple - surround apple with 8 sandstone.
  • Red Sandstone Apple - surround apple with 8 red sandstone.
  • Wool Apple - 1 wool at top and bottom at Apple.
  • Chicken Apple - This was a request by a friend. - Feather at top of apple and at bottom of apple.
  • Stone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 stone or Cobblestone Apple in furnace.
  • Andesite Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 andesite.
  • Diorite Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 diorite.
  • Granite Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 granite.
  • Deepslate Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 deepslate or Cobbled Deepslate Apple in furnace.
  • Gravel Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 gravel.
  • Tuff Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 tuff.
  • Calcite Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 calcite.
  • Moss Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 moss blocks.
  • Diamond Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 diamonds.
  • Emerald Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 emeralds.
  • Dripstone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 dripstone blocks.
  • Amethyst Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 amethyst blocks.
  • Lapis Lazuli Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 Lapis Lazuli.
  • Redstone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 Redstone dust.
  • Iron Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 iron ingots.
  • Copper Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 copper ingots.
  • Coal Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 coal.
  • Ruby Apple - 1 ruby at top and bottom of Apple.
  • Prismarine Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 prismarine.
  • Magma Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 magma blocks.
  • Prismarine Brick Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 prismarine bricks.
  • Sponge Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 sponge blocks.
  • Heart Of the sea Apple - 1 apple and 1 heart of the sea on top and another at the bottom.
  • Blackstone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 blackstone.
  • Polished Blackstone Bricks - 1 apple and surround it with 8 polished blackstone bricks.
  • Netherite Apple - 1 apple and 1 netherite ingot on top and 1 netherite ingot at bottom .
  • Soul Sand Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 soul sand.
  • Soul Soil Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 soul soil.
  • Magma Cream Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 magma cream.
  • Gilded Blackstone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 gilded blackstone.
  • Basalt Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 basalt.
  • Fire Charge Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 fire charges.
  • Netherrack Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 netherrack.
  • Nether Brick Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 nether bricks. (The one that looks like ingot)
  • Obsidian Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 obsidian.
  • Crying Obsidian Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 crying obsidian.
  • Shroomlight Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 shroomlights.
  • Glowstone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 glowstone dust.
  • Quartz Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 quartz.
  • Wither bone - Kill a wither skeleton to obtain it.
  • Wither Apple - Surround 8 wither bones around 1 Apple.
  • Endstone Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 endstone.
  • Ender Pearl Apple - 1 apple ender pearl at top and another at bottom.
  • Endstone Bricks Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 endstone bricks.
  • Purpur Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 purper blocks.
  • Skulker Apple - surround 8 shulker shells around 1 apple.
  • Apple Sauce - Apple on top of a bowl.
  • Dried Apple - Apple in furnace or fill all crafting table slots with dried apple slice.
  • Dried Apple Slice - Apple slice in furnace or fput dried apple in crafting table.
  • Apple slice - Apple in crafting table.
  • Apple Juice - Sugar on top apple and Glass bottle.
  • Caramel - Sugar in furnace.
  • Toffee Apple - Apple on stick with caramel.
  • Apple Pie - same recipe as pumpkin pie but pumpkin replace with apple.
  • Glass Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 glass or sand apple in furnace.
  • Brick Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 bricks. (The one that looks like ingot)
  • Deepslate Bricks Apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 deepslate bricks.
  • Stone brick apple - 1 apple and surround it with 8 stone bricks.
  • Rainbow Apple - NO RECIPE. U can obtain it by killing an evoker or finding it in structures. Note: Its the most Powerful apple in this mod
New Items Of the Ores Update!








                                                                                    Sapphire Ores (Stone and Deepslate Version)



                                                                                                                      Sapphire Gem


                                                                                                            Sapphire Apple

                                                                                                 Sapphire Apple Crafting Recipe


                                                                                        Topaz Ores (Deepslate and Stone version)

                                                                                                                    Topaz Gem

                                                                                                             Topaz Apple

                                                                                           Topaz Apple Crafting Recipe


Steel Ingot


Steel Apple

                                                                                                            Steel Ingot Crafting Recipe

                                                                                                        Steel Apple Crafting Recipe


                                                                                                                Enderite Ore


                                                                                      Raw Enderite. (Drops when you mine Enderite ore)

                                                                                                                Enderite Ingot


                                                                                        Smelt Raw Enderite in furnace to Obtain Enderite Ingot

                                                                                                         Enderite Apple Crafting recipe

                                         Amethyst ores

                                                          I decided to add them so that u can obtain the amethyst apple more easily! 🙂



                                                                                Everything I added in this mod!


  • Added more ores to the mod!
  • Fixed a few bugs!
  • Reduced ruby ore generation


  2. Click the Mediafire link!
  3. Press the blue button that says "DOWNLOAD".
  4. Wait for it to download.
  5. Open the file.
  6. Open MC
  7. Activate Resource and Behavior packs to your world
  8. Make Sure To activate All Expiremental features!
  9. ENJOY!!!


Topic starter Posted : 31/01/2023 12:23 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 04/04/2023 5:03 pm