Arath's Guns Add-on
With this plugin add a variety of firearms such as assault rifles, shotguns, missile launchers and more to your Minecraft which will improve the gameplay to do PVP with your friends or improve your survival to face monsters or bosses.
Credits: ArathNido (Youtube) (Twitter)
Warning: this add-on you are not allowed to publish this add-on on other Minecraft add-on websites or applications without the creator's permission. If you will review this addon for YouTube, leave credits, post download link and do not post direct download link or create your own download link or you will receive a complaint.
In order to make weapons in survival you will need to make the weapons manufacturing table (There are 2 types):
Simple Weapon Table

Advanced Weapon Table

Ammo box:
It allows you to make bullets, cartridges and missiles and then make magazines for weapons.

All your recipes will be displayed from the weapons section. (You will also be able to manufacture ammunition from the crafting table)

Interacting with a weapon crate will show you the materials required to craft weapons and chargers.

When using a weapon you can shoot using the interaction button (right click on Windows 10), in the player's HUD it will show you your ammo counter, when the counter reaches 0 it will show as "NO AMMO", to reload you need Add your charger to the second hand and the interact button.

There are weapons that have an additional M203 grenade launcher equipped, at the moment only an M203 can be equipped to the Scar and M16 (Crafting is done from the weapon box). To fire a grenade you must equip a grenade on the second grenade, press the crouch button and the interact button.

The Ak47 and M4A1 can be equipped with a shotgun as a secondary weapon (manufactured from the modern weapons table), to shoot like the M203 you can place a shotgun cartridge in the second hand, then press the crouch and fire button.

Information about weapons
Simple Weapons:
Features :
- Damage: 10
- Bullet Capacity : 50
- Charger: Thompson Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Golden thompson
Features :
- Damage: 22
- Bullet Capacity : 50
- Magazine: Golden Thompson Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Luger 9mm
Features :
- Damage: 7
- Bullet capacity : 8
- Magazine: Luger Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.7
Mauser C96
Features :
- Damage: 7
- Bullet capacity : 12
- Magazine: Mauser C96 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Winchester Shotgun
Features :
- Damage: 24 (15 area damage)
- Bullet capacity : 5
- Charger: Cartridges
- Fire speed: 1.5
- Each shot will launch 8 bursts of bullets.
Sturmgewehr 44
Features :
- Damage: 12
- Bullet Capacity : 30
- Magazine: Sturmgewehr 44 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Explosion power: 8
- Bullet capacity : 1
- Charger: Rocket
- Rate of fire: 1.0
Winchester 1887 shotgun
Features :
- Damage: 24 (15 area damage)
- Bullet capacity : 5
- Charger: Cartridges
- Fire speed: 1.5
- Each shot will launch 8 bursts of bullets.
Double Action Revolver shoot
Features :
- Damage: 13
- Bullet capacity : 6
- Charger: Small bullet
- Fire speed: 0.9
Dual Double Action Revolver shoot
Features :
- Damage: 13
- Bullet capacity : 12
- Charger: Small Bullet
- Rate of fire: 0.4

Features :
- Damage: 28
- Bullet capacity : 5
- Charger: Springfield Ammo
- Rate of fire: 1.0
Springfield with Scope
Features :
- Damage: 28
- Bullet capacity : 5
- Charger: Springfield Ammo
- Rate of fire: 1.0
- Includes telescopic sight.
Sawed off shotgun
- Damage: 30 (18 area damage)
- Bullet capacity: 2
- Charger: Cartridges x2
- Fire speed: 0.4
- Each shot will launch 8 bursts of bullets.
Dual Sawed off shotgun
- Damage: 30 (18 area damage)
- bullet capacity: 4
- Charger: Cartridges x4
- Fire speed: 0.2
- Each shot will launch 8 bursts of bullets.
Contender Pistol
- Damage: 31
- bullet capacity: 1
- Magazine: Heavy Bullet
- Fire speed: 1.5
Grenade M67
- Blast Power: 4
Advanced weapons:
Features :
- Damage: 28 (23 Area Damage)
- Bullet Capacity : 20
- Charger: AA12 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.12
Features :
- Damage: 19
- Bullet Capacity : 40
- Magazine: AK47 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
AK-47 & Shotgun
Features :
- Damage: 19
- Bullet Capacity : 40
- Magazine: AK47 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
- Equipped shotgun
Features :
- Damage: 6
- Bullet Capacity : 50
- Magazine: UZI Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Golden UZI
Features :
- Damage: 12
- Bullet Capacity : 50
- Magazine: Golden UZI Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Explosion power: 8
- Bullet capacity : 4
- Magazine: m202 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 1.0
Grenade launcher
Features :
- Explosive power: 3
- Bullet capacity : 8
- Charger: Grenade Bullets
- Gravity: 1.5
Features :
- Damage: 21
- Bullet capacity: 30
- Magazine: M4A1 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
M4A1 & Shotgun
Features :
- Damage: 21
- Bullet capacity: 30
- Magazine: M4A1 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
- Equipped shotgun
Features :
- Damage: 14
- Bullet capacity: 50
- Magazine: M16 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
M16 & M203
Features :
- Damage: 14
- Bullet capacity: 50
- Magazine: M16 Ammo
- Equipped with a grenade launcher
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Damage: 19
- Bullet capacity: 60
- Magazine: Scar Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Scar & M203
Features :
- Damage: 19
- Bullet capacity: 60
- Magazine: Scar Ammo
- Equipped with a grenade launcher
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Damage: 16
- Bullet capacity: 7
- Magazine: Light bullets
- Fire speed: 0.9
Mossberg 500
Features :
- Damage: 26 (15 area damage )
- Bullet Capacity: 5
- Charger: Cartridges
- Rate of fire: 1.5
- Each shot will launch 8 bursts of bullets.
Saiga 12
Features :
- Damage: 28
- Bullet capacity: 10
- Magazine: Saiga 12 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 1.5
Skorpion vz. 61
Features :
- Damage: 6
- Bullet capacity: 20
- Charger: Skorpion vz. 61 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 0.1
Glock 17
Features :
- Damage: 9
- Bullet capacity: 17
- Magazine: Glock 17 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 0.75
Glock 17 with Silencer
- Damage: 7
- Bullet capacity: 17
- Magazine: Glock 17 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 0.75
Dual Glock 17
Features :
- Damage: 9
- Bullet Capacity: 34
- Magazine: Glock 17 Ammo
- Rate of Fire: 0.325

Desert Eagle
Features :
- Damage: 38
- Bullet capacity: 9
- Magazine: Desert Eagle Ammo
- Rate of fire: 1.5
Features :
- Damage: 9
- Bullet capacity: 50
- Charger: H&K MP5 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 0.1
Barret M82A1
Features :
- Damage: 32
- Bullet capacity: 10
- Magazine: Barrett M82A1 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 1.0
Barret M82A1 with Scope
Features :
- Damage: 32
- Bullet capacity: 10
- Magazine: Barrett M82A1 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 1.0
Features :
- Damage: 26
- Bullet capacity: 30
- Magazine: G3SG1 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 0.3
G3SG1 with Scope
Features :
- Damage: 26
- Bullet capacity: 30
- Magazine: G3SG1 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 0.3
Features :
- Explosion power: 16 (Includes fire)
- Bullet capacity: 1
- Magazine: Railgun Ammo
- Rate of fire: 2.0

Micro UZI
- Characteristic:
- Damage: 6
- bullet capacity: 32
- Charger: Micro UZI Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.2
Dual Micro UZI
- Characteristic:
- Damage: 6
- bullet capacity: 64
- Charger: Micro UZI Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
- Damage: 19
- Bullet capacity: 100
- Charger: PKM Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
- Damage: 21
- Bullet capacity: 200
- Magazine: M60 Ammo
- Damage: 26 (26 area damage)
- bullet capacity: 8
- Charger: Cartridges x8
- Fire speed: 0.4
- Each shot will launch 8 bursts of bullets.
- Explosion power: 8
- bullet capacity: 1
- Charger: Rocket
- Rate of fire: 1.0
The Springfield and Barrett M82A1 can be fitted with a telescopic sight, thus helping to target targets at long range.

Flare gun
With the flare gun not only serves as a weapon, it will also allow you to get boxes of supplies, to call a box of supplies shoot from the sky, wait a few seconds until it sounds a sound of a villager, if it produces a sound of "Yes" will fall a box of supplies, if the sound is "No" will not fall a box and for the box to release the objects hit it.

- Damage: 28
- Bullet capacity: 300
- Loader: Minigun Ammo
- Shooting speed: 0.0
- To shoot you must be crouched down and press the interact button.

AAC Honey Badger
- Damage: 15
- bullet capacity:30
- Magazine: AAC Honey Badger Ammo
- Shooting speed: 0.1
- Explosion Power: 2.5
There are 3 types of boxes:
- Blue balloon box: it will give you weapons with ammunition, it can drop glock 17, mp5, shotguns, sniper rifle and uzi.
- Orange balloon box: Will give you protection supplies like bulletproof armor parts, adrenaline, a cake and gold, iron and copper ores.
- Black balloon box: You will get bullets of all types added by the addon except for the flare gun bullets.

Anti-explosive suit:

Drones will spawn anywhere in the world and can drop ammo if you destroy them.

Arath's Guns Add-on will officially stop receiving updates, a new version of Arath's Guns is being developed where new mechanics, animations, accessories, new weapons and many more will be implemented.
Arath's Guns 2 [Preview]:
- The download links for the Texture Pack, BehaviorPack and the add-on website have been updated.
- Download TexturePack & BehaviorPack .MCPACK or Add-on in .MCADDON.
- Apply the packs for a world.
- Enable "Experimental Gameplay" in the world settings
- Create the world.