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MCPE/Bedrock Arcanus Creatures

Illustrious Member Admin

Arcanus Creatures


This plugin adds amazing creatures each with a unique design and behavior many of them tamable and other strong enemies enjoy this addon From incredible giant space cats even a skinny yeti 


The gilis is a monster type entity it has a total of 100 life and does a total of 5 damage but its walking and attack speed is slow, killing it has a chance to give you gilis membrane and one oz of double blade.


The double bladed oz does a total of 7 damage but has low durability but you can repair it with gill membrane!


It has a total of 200 health and a total of 24 damage and killing it will give you a neptunian gem and a neptukat antenna, you can also tame it with filth stew and be able to lie it with a large mount.



The iwoks are creatures that live in the forests but they are not aggressive, on the contrary, if you do damage to them, they will flee from you, you can tame them with berries and when tamed they will attack any mob you want, their total damage is 4.

Queen bee

The queen bee is a mob that meets many bees in the fields and is highly aggressive! It has a total life of 120 and a total of 10 damage and when it hits you it will give you a great poison effect, when it kills it has a chance of give you a sting and his head. 


The mankoko spawns in snowy biomes and is a total of 3 blocks tall and will kill all nearby goats! He has a total of 200 health and a total of 18 attack.


the rinotaurus is a gigantic mob but it is too slow it has a total of 400 life

and is a total of 5 blocks tall and deals a total of 25 damage to the player


Mr frog will spawn in swamp biomes and can be tamed with goldflies and will only attack you if you attack him.

golden fly:

It only has one function to tame the frog Nr.

creator: Ramirez878
Topic starter Posted : 14/07/2022 3:14 pm