Explosives - Army Addon Updated
Would you like a bit of Army with your Minecraft? Well, this is the addon for you! We have Guided Missiles, Army Tanks, Air Raids, Explosives (Fire Bomb, Dynamite, Thermite, Crazy Big Bomb), Hummers, Snipers, Jeeps, Pillager Paratroopers and a whole lot more. This fourth (of many) release introduces Flamethrower Soldiers and Guided Missiles.
Most explosives are dropped by Pillager Soldiers (see Raid below). The exception is the Crazy Big Bomb which you can craft.
Fire Bomb
Dropped by Pillager Soldiers (and Flamethrower Guys). One placed down you can trigger them with a flint and steel. They have a four second fuse and will engulf the nearby area (roughly 20x20 area) in flames. Any nearby Fire Bombs will instantly explode in a similar manner.

Dropped by Pillager Soldiers. They flash green when placed down. Interact with them to trigger them. They will flash red during countdown (four seconds). You should run when you see red. Any nearby dynamite will be also be triggered! (With a slightly reduced bang.)

Just like the dynamite above (same trigger, same countdown, same chain reaction mechanism) except a bigger bang and you can attach them to walls.

Crazy Big Bomb
You may not find these types of explosives in a standard army weapon store, but don't they look like fun!

Craft them with Fire Bombs as below. You trigger them off with flint and steel. Prepare for some lag!

Guided Missile
First you need a Targeting Device. You may build one like so:

Then place it down in an area you wish no longer existed.

Build your Guided Missile like this:

And 'place' it down as well. It will launch, fly around, and when it locates a Targeting Device it will zoom down and explode when it gets within four blocks of the Targeting Device. It does not need to see the Device. Also the explosion is extremely destructive, so be careful!

If it doesn't find a Targeting Device, it will despawn after a while.
Air Raid Siren
You're going to need some vehicle inventory to start your Army vehicle collection. Before you can get that though, you need to defeat a bunch of pillager soldiers, including snipers and flamethrower soldiers. And before you can do that you need to start an air raid. You need an air raid siren and you can get one by crafting this recipe:

Once you've got one, place it down and interact with it.

This will summon three to four waves of pillager paratroopers who will drop from the sky and commence their attack against just about everything. Guard your pets and vehicles! Nothing is safe from these guys (except monsters). Guard the air raid siren too, so it doesn't go down in a hail of stray bullets.

These guys will drop Army Rations, Targeting Devices, Guided Missiles, Vehicle Crafting Tables, Wheels and Motors. The last three you can use for crafting your very own army vehicles. The first drop (rations) are the most common, and the most nutritious.
These long-range menaces can be found in Plains biomes (and in the occasional Air Raid). You may not see them parachute in but you should hear a warning come over your (pretend) comms unit. The have extremely long range, do a lot of damage and will run if you get too close. Fight or flight? Your decision. Just make it quickly!

If you see this in-game you are probably in quite some trouble.
Vehicle Crafting Table
Place down your crafting table, it should look like this:

Interact with it to bring up your trade table:

Six vehicles are available at this point. Use your picked-up inventory parts to "craft" these vehicles. The slightly shiny motors are "advanced" motors. More vehicles (many more) to come!
Army Jeep
Enemy Mobs beware! This Two-seater Jeep can mow 'em down (as long as they are a 'monster' entity). Repair with iron ingots and redstone.

Army Tank

You'll need ten (10!) motors and a netherite block(!) to trade for one of these bad boys. Does not drop it's spawn egg when destroyed, so take care! Once you are riding the tank, interact with it to shoot the cannon.
Radio (to call in Villager Paratroopers)

Pillager Paratrooper Raids too hard? Well, maybe you could use a hand from the good guys. Build a radio, like this:

Place it down and activate it to radio in those reinforcements. You'll get two or three waves of help. The Villager Paratroopers will only hang around for a minute or two so use them wisely!
Army Motorbike

Two seater! And a whole lot of fun. Will not drop its spawn egg when destroyed.

Time for serious business. The roof-mounted minigun will shoot monsters (and the dreaded wasps if you have that pack installed). This will also take two players and also does not drop its spawn egg when destroyed.

Not your ordinary wheelchair! Very fast and a crazy jumper, sometimes higher than the motorbikes in fact. And it drops its spawn egg when destroyed. Enjoy!
Advanced Motor
Required for some of the vehicles. The sniper will drop them (very rarely) or you can craft your own like this:

Very expensive but worth it if you need a Hummer.

Our Youtube channel here!
We read all of our YouTube comments, if you have something to say about our addons, please let us know!
To the awesome youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page*. Cheers!
Added the following explosives:
- Fire Bomb
- Dynamite
- Thermite
- Crazy Big Bomb
Some minor changes:
- Reduced sniper attack (again)
- Reduced sniper spawn rate (again)
- Army Tank rounds no longer cause fire
- Fixed missing textures on Jeep (thanks to 方狼BlockWolf16)