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MCPE/Bedrock Artillery Add-on: AA gun, Howitzer

Illustrious Member Admin

Artillery Add-on: AA gun, Howitzer


This add-on bring three kinds of artillery into Minecraft.

You see a tank but only have a bow? Anti-tank gun is here!

Wanna shoot down aircraft? We have AA gun!

Want a long range attack? 240mm howitzer can blow up your enemies!

My Twitter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


In general, you must reload first.

Each artillery has its own shells.


When it is reloaded, breech block should be closed.

Use flint and steel to fire.


How to aim

Player can ride on them to rotate.

For rotating in vertical and changing angle, you must have newest beta installed, which you can fire and reload while you are riding on an entity.

How to move artillery

All artillery can be leashed.

How to get all shells

/function babytage


Ordnance Quick-Firing 6-pounder 7 cwt

It was a British 57 mm gun, serving as a primary anti-tank gun of the British Army during WW2.

Shell: APDS


When being leashed, gun carriage will be locked.


8.8 cm Flak 41

The most advanced variant of famous German 8.8cm Anti-aircraft/ Anti-tank gun. Flak is a contraction of German Flugabwehrkanone, meaning “aircraft-defense cannon”


Shell: 8.8cm HE


Use iron ingot to switch to anti-aircraft mode. (Unfortunately you still have to ride on it and look at sky to shoot higher)

[Advanced] Or, you can use /tp command to force gun aim to the sky:

Place a repeated command block and input:

tp @e[type=at:flak41] ~ ~ ~ tp @s ~ ~ ~ 180 -90  

*180 is  y rotation. from 0~ 360; -90 is x rotation, from 90(min) ~ -90(max)

This should make the gun aim to the sky, so you can fire vertically.


240 mm howitzer M1 “Black Dragon”

It was the largest field piece used by the US Army during the WW2.

The 240 mm howitzer M1 is still in service with Taiwan.


Shell: M114 HE






Import  .mcaddon , apply resources and behaviors.

Learn how to install .mcaddon on iOS.



Topic starter Posted : 21/07/2020 3:33 pm