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MCPE/Bedrock Auto completion Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Auto completion Addon

Ever wanted to autocomplete commands in chat and command blocks? Now you can with this easy to use Addon. This Addon adds 4 options-Tab, Backwards Tab, Previous Text, and Next Text

This addon implements four new buttons to the chat user interface and two new buttons to the expanded command block interface for Minecraft Pocket Edition which makes typing both commands and normal sentences much easier. All of the added features are ones which already exist for the PC versions of Minecraft, but for unknown reasons haven’t been ported to Pocket Edition yet. Creator: RandomityGuy (Discord: RandomityGuy#3539) 

By using this addon you will be able to select previously typed commands, autocomplete words as well as using a few other nifty features. Open the text chat window or the expanded command block interface to start using the new features.

  • Shift + Tab Key (↑Tab): Use this button to switch between multiple options (e.g. if you write birch then you can use this button to switch between birch_doorbirch_fence_gate and so on)
  • Tab Key: Autocomplete certain commands/words, e.g. /give MCbedrock birch_f then press Tab Key to autocomplete it.
  • Previous Key (Arrow Up): Select previous command(s) written. Not available for command block.
  • Next Key (Arrow Down): If you missed the command you wanted to type while rapid touching previous key then you can use this button. Not available for command block


  • Updated for 1.12
  • Added support for auto completion in command blocks


  1. Download one of the following resource packs:
    1. UI Left .McPack
    2. UI Right .McPack
  2. Open Minecraft PE
  3. Settings > Global Resources > Activate pack
  4. Restart Minecraft PE

You can get a .ZIP file for this pack here.


Supported Minecraft versions


Topic starter Posted : 10/09/2019 10:17 am