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MCPE/Bedrock Auto-Enchant Pack (Function Pack) (1.14 - 1.20+)

Illustrious Member Admin

Auto-Enchant Pack (Function Pack) (1.14 - 1.20+)

This function pack is made to make the enchantment command easier. With this pack it will enchant your item with only one function (only work for tools, armour, and anyting that can be enchanted)

How to useΒ AutoEnchant?

  • Open the .mcpack as Minecraft Bedrock
  • Make a new world or edit your world
  • go to behavior packs section and activate this behavior pack
  • When you done activating it. You can start saving / create the world
  • When you finish try hold an item you want to enchant (e.g iron_sword)
  • Hold the item and sneak to activate the auto enchant like the image below.
  • Tada~ Thats how you get your items enchanted automatically
  • You will get any enchants possible on responsible item πŸ˜€
  • And that how it's work

How to useΒ NotAutoEnchant?

  • The steps is the same as above but you won't get any enchantments when sneaking (when sneaking the commands run infinitely)Β 
  • so instead of sneaking. You need to type this commandΒ WHILEΒ holding the tools that you want to enchantΒ 
  • typeΒ /function basic_enchantΒ as shown below
  • And you will get theΒ non OverpoweredΒ Enchant (since its basic enchant) πŸ˜€
  • What aboutΒ Overpowered Enchant?Β Well instead of basic_enchant you can type this command
  • typeΒ /function all_enchantΒ as shown below (I don't know why it's not in the autocomplete but its working :p)
  • Andd you get the full Enchantments on any items as long as its supported to that specific item πŸ˜€

Please read this!

There's 2 type of files. Download the AutoEnchant if you want automatic enchant (it may produce a bit of "lag")

Or Download the NotAutoEnchant if you dont want automatic enchant. NotAutoEnchant is contain only function command and not automatically executed when sneaking.

Commands :

  1. basic_enchantΒ : this function command will enchant your item with basic enchantment, example "sword will only get unbreaking, sharpness, and mending"
  2. all_enchantΒ (only in NotAutoEnchant) : this function command will enchant your item with all enchantments


  • Updated Links to download (it was broken) (again)
  • Fix wording in description and put more details✨


Open .mcpack and open as minecraft

creator: Kyuiki

Topic starter Posted : 12/07/2020 8:23 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 31/05/2023 5:18 pm