Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Element Benders Add-on!
Are you a fan of Avatar:The Last Airbender?
Well, if you are, this add-on is perfect for you! This addon adds 4 element benders of fire, water, air, and earth, with custom weapons! Hope you enjoy this mod!
Note: All weapons and entities are custom made, so it doesn’t replace anything in the game.
1. Firebenders
Firebenders are powerful mobs capable of shooting fireballs with high speed. They have 20 health and spawns in mesa biomes and their variants. To summon type /summon id:firebender
They drop fire crystals which can be crafted into a Fire saber.
It deals 8 damage and gives you fire resistance and regeneration 3.
Crafting recipe:
2. Waterbenders
A polar opposite of firebenders, these waterbenders can create a shoot ice tridents at you! They have 30 health and spawns in ice biomes and their variants.
To summon type /summon id:waterbender
They drop water crystals which can be crafted into Water spears.
They give you conduit effect and deals 8 damage.
My personal favorite! They can bend air to levitate (but NOT fly) and shoot shulker bullets as a form of ‘airbending’. They spawn in extreme hill biomes and their variants.
They drop air crystals which can be crafted into air staves.
They give you jump boost and speed. (P.S: I tried to put levitation effect, but i found it difficult to control it)
Honestly, I don’t know what ability is best suited for earthbenders, cause minecraft has limited attack variants. So I decided to make them fire rapid arrows instead, beacuse in the series thier attacks are kinda ninja-based (?)
They have 35 health and spawn in plains biomes.
They drop earth crystals, which can be crafted into Earth katanas.
They give you absorbtion and resistance and deals 8 damage.
P.S: If you want to make a showcase/review, thanks! Please credit me in the description and put a link to this MCBedrock page!
If there is any bugs, glitches, or feedback, please let me know on my channel or down in the comment section!
1. Download the file from mediafire.
2. Remember to turn ON Experimental gameplay, or the mod won't work!
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQXmgxjUXZ1t0H_adPFY7Xg