AzhdarchiBlock 1.2 (Utility Tame Update)
AzhdarchiBlock is a survival friendly addon which changes minecraft into a hostile yet flourishing ecosystem with new mobs, plants, ores, weapons, armor, NPCs, biomes, and even villager trades.
Disclaimer: This addon may not run well on slow devices
Here is some of the content in the addon:

The totem of evolution is an item that generates in your inventory upon first spawning in a world. By using it, you can summon the polyphyla temple, and use it to morph into another species (beware you can only do this once, and there is no way to reverse it without commands). Each morph responds to a specific name (which is case sensitive, and watch out for typos) which the player must have, although you can post a request for a specific name and morph in my discord server, or configure it to respond to your gamertag if you know how. To setup the basic name morphs, copy paste this into chat: /structure load mystructure:morphtemple 0 60 0
Player Name: IMillionLegz
Ability: Invincible. Arthropleura becomes invincibile at the cost of becoming completely immobile.
Pros: High health, can fit in small spaces, can't drown, fast mining speed, few predators
Cons: Low damage, can't move while invincible, can't swim, must stay moist to survive, can't jump
Player Name: JrassicDragon
Ability: Mob mentality. Dearc can easily befriend other dearcs with fish, and call them to its aid
Pros: Can fly, can fit in small spaces
Cons: Low health, slow on the ground
Player Name: Dippy
Ability (not yet added): Scout. Microraptor will screech if a hostile mob is nearby.
Pros: Can glide, can fit in small spaces, very high jump height
Cons: Low health, low damage, slow on the ground
Player Name: ARKptsd
Ability (not yet added): Leech grab. Kaprosuchus can grab certain mobs, grabbing a mob heals the kaprosuchus
Pros: High health (for its size), can see in the dark, can fit in small spaces, high damage, semiaquatic
Cons: Breathes oxygen
Player Name: Chicken
Ability: Quick reflexes. Alvarezsaurus gets a speed boost if attacked.
Pros: Can fit in small spaces, high jump height, high speed, quick mining speed
Cons: Low health, low damage
Player Name: Tiger
Ability: Fossorial. Armadillosuchus gains a damage and resistance boost whilst underground
Pros: Can fit in small spaces, fast mining speed, night vision
Cons: Loses its buff on the surface, relatively slow for its size, low jump height
Player Name: Shaihulud
Ability: Sandworm (not yet added). Omnidens can bury itself in sand, becoming invisible to predators and prey. Exiting the sand causes an AOE attack that inflicts bleed
Pros: Fast mining speed, breathes underwater
Cons: doesn't breathe ai, slow on land, requires more effort to swim up
Alligator Gar:
Player Name: Lonnie
Ability (not yet added): Swamp Lurker. Alligator gar is invisible while moving slowly in swamp water
Pros: High-ish health, aquatic, decent oxygen
Cons: Low-ish damage, breathes water, slow on land
Player Name: JaekBeloved
Ability (not yet added): Strong grip. Jaekelopterus can grab large mobs. While grabbing a mob, jaekelopterus gets a resistance buff
Pros: Incredibly high health, decent mining speed, high oxygen timer
Cons: Low damage, slow on land, breathes water
Player Name: BlatantSound
Ability: Fish hunter (not yet added). Austroraptor is completely ignored by any and all aquatic mobs (except drowns and guardians)
Pros: Very fast, high jump height, night vision
Cons: Low-ish damage, can't dive
Keep in mind that morphs are a WIP and not all have been added and some are unfinished. Adding and finishing morphs will be the #1 priority after this update.

Health: 125
Damage: 10
Temperament: Neutral, hostile if nesting
Size Tier: 7
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Plains, Flower Forest
Maiasaura is a medium-sized hadrosaur that lives in open plains and nests in huge herds in flower forests. Maiasaura aren't usually aggressive but are protective of babies. The only way to tame a maiasaura is to adopt a baby who has lost its mother. When tamed, maiasaura can passively heal baby mobs.

Health: 20
Damage: 6
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 4
Spawns: Taiga
Beistherres are sapient pterosaurs that live in treehouses. They sell creature whistles and use rubies as currency instead of diamonds.

Health: 8
Damage: 1
Temperament: Passive
Size Tier: 2
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Swamp, Jungle, Redwoods
Pterorhynchus is a small pterosaur that likes to live in forested biomes. They can be tamed with spider eyes, and if provoked they will mimic the sounds of giant animals to scare away predators.

Health: 8-12
Damage: 2
Temperament: Passive, flies away if approached
Size Tier: 2
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Forest, Taiga, Redwoods, Swamp
Microraptor is a small bird-like dinosaur that can commonly be seen flying through the trees in forested biomes. They are skittish but can be approached by sneaking and tamed with lizards. When tamed, microraptors can sit on your shoulder, and will warn you if a dangerous mob is nearby.
Health: 500-600
Damage: 60
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 10
Equipment: Behemoth Saddle
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Badlands, Redwoods
Health: 10
Damage: 2 (Inflicts 10 seconds bleed)
Temperament: Neutral, hostile when nesting
Size Tier: 3
Diet: Piscivore
Spawns: Beach, Rock spires

Health: 8
Damage: 1 (Inflicts bleed 5 seconds)
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 3
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Warm Ocean
Anomalocaris is a weird worm thing that lived during the cambrian period, it uses its spiky tentacle-like mouthparts to kill small prey.

Health: 30
Damage: 5 (Inflicts 30 seconds bleed, ambush attack deals 10 damage)
Temperament: Neutral, sometimes hostile
Size Tier: 5
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Warm Ocean
Omnidens is a strange animal related to worms. Like a bobbit worm, omnidens will bury themselves in the ground and lie in wait to ambush unsuspecting prey.

Health: 400-500
Damage: 30-40
Temperament: Hostile
Size Tier: 10
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Warm Ocean, Lukewarm Ocean, Deep Ocean
Cymbospondylus is a massive ichthyosaur, they are extremely dangerous predators capable of swimming at fast speeds and can use their long thresher-like tail in an AOE attack. Cymbospondylus occasionally swim in shallower waters to protect their babies, which can be befriended although they can't be trained.
Health: 40
Damage: 6
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 5
Diet: Piscivore
Spawns: Swamp, River

Health: 60
Damage: 8
Temperament: Neutral, Hostile if nesting
Diet: Omnivore
Spawns: Crimson Forest
Daddy long legs are giant insects that live in the nether, they often live in hives much like bees, and create a substance called kato honey which instead of nectar, is made from a mix of digested fungi and hoglin meat. Daddy long legs can be tamed by feeding them kato honey (which without a tamed long legs, you can only get by stealing from a hive). Tamed long legs can be mounted and can walk on lava like a pond skater on water, they can also jump high in the air and although they are too heavy to fly, they can still use their wings to slow their descent.

Health: 60
Damage: 6
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 6
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Warm Ocean
Platecarpus are medium-sized mosasaurs which inhabit warmer seas and are very common. Platecarpus can be tamed with nautilus shells and can be trained to hunt down a specific mob.

Health: 18
Damage: 4 (inflicts bleed for 10 seconds)
Temperament: Neutral, hostile if player is holding food
Size Tier: 3
Diet: Omnivore
Spawns: Jungle, Forest, Taiga, Swamp
The mesozoic equivalent of a wolverine, repenomamus is the largest and most aggressive mesozoic mammal. Repenomamus are notorious for attacking small livestock, baby dinosaurs and even villager children. Despite their ferocity, repenomamus can be tamed with cookies if approached by sneaking.

This potion makes you completely impervious to most attacks for 1 minute, but also makes you unable to attack mobs or mine blocks.
Ingredient 1: Spiny Scute (Dropped by spiky armored dinosaurs e.g. sauropelta)
Ingredient 2: Thick Potion

Health: 390
Damage: 30 (with AOE attack, melee attack deals 1 damage)
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 7
Equipment: Chest Saddle
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Taiga, Flower Forest, Redwoods, Dark Forest, Swamp
Anodontosaurus is a heavily armored herbivore and has no natural predators, Anodontosaurus are not aggressive unless provoked but if attacked, they will unleash their wrath and use their tail club which can break stone just as easily as it breaks legs. Anodontosaurus can be tamed with honey apples and mounted.
Health: 150
Damage: 30
Temperament: Hostile, sometimes neutral
Size Tier: 9
Equipment: Mount Harness
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Cold Ocean, Lukewarm Ocean

Health: 40
Damage: 6
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 6
Equipment: Mount Harness
Diet: Piscivore
Spawns: Beach
Tropeognathus is a large pterosaur that lives in coastal areas and can fly hundreds of miles without rest. To tame a tropeognathus you must mount it and hope you don't fall off, if you get knocked off, the tropeognathus will fly away and you'll probably die of fall damage. Tropes can fly much longer than quetzalcoatlus and float on the water's surface, but they are also a lot weaker and slower on the ground.

Heath: 175
Damage: 20
Temperament: Neutral, hostile if given the wrong fish
Size Tier: 9
Equipment: Mount Harness
Diet: Piscivore
Spawns: Swamp
By far the largest carnivore in the addon, spinosaurus is actually one of the top 5 largest carnivorous animals ever to walk the earth, only standing behind giganotosaurus, T. rex and deinosuchus! Spinos can be tamed, but it isn't easy and can be very time consuming and dangerous. To tame a spinosaurus you must feed it a fish, but it has to be a specific type of fish and each spinosaurus wants a different fish. If you feed spinosaurus the wrong fish, it gets angry and attacks you, you'll have to wait about 1 minute to feed it again, and its preferred fish also changes each time you feed it the wrong fish. Once tamed, spinosaurus are a slow but powerful semi-aquatic mount, and with a spike staff they can use their claws and tail in an AOE attack.?nbsp;
Some spinosaurus have vegetation growing on their sail, which over time will grow special berries that cannot be obtained anywhere else.
Health: 400-500
Damage: 25
Temperament: Neutral, Hostile if in a wild herd
Size Tier: 10
Equipment: Behemoth Saddle
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Savanna, Badlands

Health: 18
Damage: 2
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 4
Diet: Omnivore
Spawns: Badlands, Desert (may spawn in burrows)
Armadillosuchus is a relative of crocodiles that is more adapted to life on land. They can be tamed using eggs and using a pincer staff you can make them hide in a burrow and hoard items for you.

Health: 120
Damage: 20 (Inflicts bleed)
Temperament: Neutral, hostile if alpha
Size Tier: 7
Equipment: Chest Saddle
Diet: Omnivore
Spawns: Plains, Taiga
Styracosaurus is a ceratopsid dinosaur that lives alone or in small groups. When tamed, styracosaurus can use a deadly charge attack that inflicts a lot of damage and can destroy some blocks. There multiple variants of styracosaurus:
Minor: Styracosaurus minor are the most common variant, they cannot be tamed and are neutral.
Baby: Baby styracosaurus can be tamed with sweet apples.
Alpha: Alpha styracosaurus have longer horns and a more vibrant crest, they are also much more aggressive and will sometimes fight each other for dominance.
Old Alpha: The old alpha behaves the same as the young alpha, but has battle scars and damaged horns. Old alphas will have a chance to get injured in a fight for dominance.
Injured alpha: Injured alphas are old and weak alphas that have been in one too many battles, they are heavily scarred and deformed and have been banished from the herd. Although they are slow and weak, injured alphas can be tamed and will eventually heal their wounds, but the scars will always be there.
Health: 100
Attack: 2 (Inflicts poison)
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 4
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Swamp, only spawns in dens
Health: 12
Damage: 1 (Inflicts torpor)
Temperament: Neutral, hostile if extracted, will swarm if angry
Size Tier: 3
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Jungle, Swamp

Health: 180
Damage: 15
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 9
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Forest, Redwoods, Swamp
Therizinosaurus is the fattest known non-avian theropod. They are huge and can be tamed with honey apples, and when mounted they can use their huge claws to tear through dense vegetation with little effort.

Health: 140
Damage: 18 (This is its melee attack damage, miragaia also has an AOE attack that deals a whopping 30 damage)
Temperament: Hostile
Size Tier: 8
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Badlands, Plains, Forest, Savanna
This large herbivore related to stegosaurus is highly aggressive. Not much to say about them other than their lust for violence.

Health: 150
Damage: 18
Temperament: Neutral, hostile if near a baby mammoth
Size Tier: 8
Equipment: Chest Saddle
Spawns: Tundra
This elephantine animal lives in the coldest parts of the overworld, they are powerful herbivores and only babies can be tamed. When tamed and mounted, mammoths can use their tusks to destroy snow with ease.

Health: 140
Damage: 16
Equipment: None
Temperament: Neutral, sometimes hostile if player is in lava
Size Tier: 8
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Nether (In lava)
The ignidile is a giant lizard that lives in the nether and swims in lava, when they get angry they burn everything in their path. Ignidiles are dangerous but can be tamed with magma cream and ridden through lava. Just be sure to drink a potion of fire resistance before riding one into lava. When mounted in lava, you can make your ignidile leap into the air using a talon staff.

Whistles are used to make tamed creatures follow/stop following you. Each whistle's name is the translated name of a particular taxonomical group (e.g the whistle of the shield bearers is thyreophora, a group of armored dinosaurs consisting of stegosaurs and ankylosaurs) and can be used on any species of that group. Each whistle also has the colors of a specific creature. Whistles can be obtained via trading with beistherres or wandering traders, or found in naturally generating structures.

Staffs are mostly use as tools to help control tamed mobs and make them do certain things.
The feather staff makes creatures sprint
The shark tooth staff makes creatures use bite attacks
The carnivore tooth staff makes creatures roar/do threat displays
The horn staff makes creatures charge
The spike staff makes creatures use large AOE attacks
The talon staff makes creatures use different walking modes (e.g switching between walking and sneaking)
The wing staff makes creatures fly
The pincer staff makes creatures pick up items (or follow you in the case of istiodactylus ?#128128;)

Health: 15
Temperament: Passive, flees if approached
Size Tier: 4
Diet: Piscivore
Spawns: Lukewarm Ocean
This fish spawns in the ocean (obviously), it swims aimlessly until killed by a predator and you can cook it for food. Tunas will flee if approached and are quite nimble, but you can catch them in a barrel.

Health: 100
Damage: 8 (Inflicts 30 seconds bleed)
Temperament: Neutral, sometimes hostile
Size Tier: 7
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, Lush Caves
Prionosuchus are giant temnospondyl amphibians that spawn in swamps, mangroves and lush caves. They are very dangerous and can grab mobs (including players), and can poison nearby mobs when unerwate

Health: 15
Damage: 1
Temperament: Passive, flees if approached
Size Tier: 3
Diet: Insectivore
Spawns: Badlands, Desert
Alvarezsaurus is a small bird-like dinosaur that runs across deserts and mesas, occasionally they will dig in the sand for insects, If you feed it sugar it will dig in the sand for ants (and treasure!).

Health: 55
Damage: 12
Temperament: Hostile, cannot see and relies on hearing and smell
Size Tier: 6
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Caves
A cave dwelling predator, like the warden it is blind but can track you using sound and smell. Not much is to say about dilophosaurus since it doesn't really do anything other than maul you.

A powerful weapon of destruction, the rocket launcher can be used to obliterate everything in your path in 5 second intervals, You have to use the crafting menu to reload it btw.

Health: 50-60
Temperament: Passive, flees if approached
Size Tier: 6
Equipment: Saddle
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Plains, Badlands, Desert, Savanna
The gallimimus is a skittish dinosaur that roams plains, deserts and savannas and tends to be in groups. Gallimimus are passive and will run if approached but can be tamed with sweet apples if you sneak up on one. When tamed gallis are a fast and versatile mount, although their jump height varies with each individual like horses do. Gallimimus can also scream and flash out their bright feathers to startle predators in order to escape more easily.

Health: 120
Damage: 8
Temperament: Neutral, hostile if leashed
Size Tier: 6
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: River, Swamp, Mangroves, Lush Caves
Anyone who played with the previous version probably recognizes this, now with an extra secret variant. To those who don't know, jaekelopterus is mostly docile tp players unless provoked (attacked or leashed), but kills monsters on sight. Now jaekelopterus is breedable with salmon.

Health: 10
Temperament: Passive, Flies away if attacked
Size Tier: 3
Diet: Scavenger
Spawns: Beach, Savanna, Desert, Badlands
This vulture-like pterosaur is exclusively a scavenger, often seen soaring high above warm open biomes such as deserts and savannas. Istiodactylus is easy to tame, but requires patience to do so. To tame one you'd have to follow them while they soar high up until they land on the ground, then just feed them a big bone (dropped by some large animals such as miragaia). When tamed istiodactylus was originally intended to follow you and collect your items when you die, but it's kinda buggy so currently its just a cool bird thing you can have, also they can dance like parrots.

Health: 150
Damage: 30 (Inflicts bleed)
Temperament: Hostile, neutral if immature
Size Tier: 9
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Badlands, Redwoods
This apex predator in desperate need of a remodel. It spawns in mesa and redwood biomes. Acros cannot be tamed through normal means and cannot be bred, the only way to tame an acrocanthosaurus is by killing an adult which has a chance to drop an egg, then you must tame the baby when the egg hatches. When tamed, acrocanthosaurus is a powerful beast with a "roar" that causes many other animals to run away.

Pretty self explanatory to be honest, they are used to incubate eggs. There are five types of incubators in total, each of which is used to incubate specific eggs.
The straw incubator is made with hay bale, and is used to incubate hard-shelled eggs of smaller animals (e.g alvarezsaurus).
The foliage incubator is made with leaves, and is used to incubate soft-shelled eggs and larger eggs (e.g quetzalcoatlus).
The sand incubator is made with sand, and is used to incubate eggs of animals which bury their eggs in the sand (e.g kaprosuchus).
The dirt incubator is made with mud, and is currently useless, but in the future will be used to incubate the eggs of terrestrial invertebrates (currently useless).
The water incubator has water in it, and is used to incubate eggs of aquatic creatures and amphibians (e.g jaekelopterus).

Health: 65-80
Damage: 15-18
Temperament: Hostile
Size Tier: 7
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Badland caves
The fasolasuchus is an early ancestor of crocodiles, bearing some resemblance to early dinosaurs; it was also the largest terrestrial carnivore from the triassic period. Fasolasuchus hoards its food within caves in the mesa biome, and is extremely territorial and aggressive. If you manage to trap the fasolasuchus you are free to raid its hoard, their hoards often yield items left by less lucky thieves.

Health: 180
Damage: 15 (Inflicts bleed)
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 5
Equipment: Chest Saddle
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Badlands, Redwoods
The sauropelta is a small but heavily armed dinosaur with tough scales, a spiny tail and shoulder and neck spikes. It lives in redwood forests as well as the forested parts of the mesa biome and isn't aggressive towards players but will attack some monsters and predators.
When tamed, sauropelta can be a powerful battle mount with an AOE attack, and can be used to carry lots of items.

Health: 180
Damage: 20 (Oneshots player no matter what, inflicts bleed)
Temperament: Hostile
Size Tier: 9
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Caves
The basilisk is a creature of pure darkness that spawns underground and devours everything that it comes across, it is quite slow but don't get cocky as it is well hidden in the dark and can swallow you whole (as well as your items, you'll have to kill it to get them back). Luckily they are afraid of bright light emitting blocks.

Health: 95
Temperament: Passive, panics if attacked
Size Tier: 7
Equipment: Saddle
Diet: Herbivore
Spawns: Plains, Forest, Redwoods, Badlands, Jungle, Taiga
This fearful dinosaur appears in forests and jungles and is docile towards players and can be tamed with sweet apples and mounted with a saddle. When mounted tenontosaurus are relatively slow, but if frightened by a threat they will panic and gain a speed boost.

Health: 45
Damage: 12
Temperament: Neutral
Size Tier: 7
Equipment: Mount Harness
Diet: Carnivore
Spawns: Taiga, Grove, Redwoods, Swamp
This azhdarchid pterosaur is among the largest flying animals to ever exist, but despite being as tall as a giraffe it weighs less than a quarter as much as one.

Quetzacoatlus mostly inhabit biomes with forests, but not too dense forests. They can be tamed with raw tuna and mounted although with the extra weight they can't fly for long. It is also worth noting that they are remarkably poor swimmers.
Added mobs: spinosaurus, paraceratherium, pterorhynchus, microraptor, anomalocaris, omnidens, alligator gar, lepidotes, lycoptera, axelrodichthys, onchopristis, bowfin, tropeognathus, daddy long legs, apatosaurus, armadillosuchus, styracosaurus, woolly mammoth, arthropleura, pulmonoscorpius, cymbospondylus, platecarpus, prognathodon, anodontosaurus, repenomamus, austroraptor, beistherre, lizard, alioramus, maiasaura, prionosuchus
Added food: lepidotes, alligator gar, axelrodichthys, sawskate, bowfin, lycoptera, lizard, spino berries
Added biomes: Scorched Forest, Active Peaks, Depths Ocean
Added morphs (WIP)
Added music
Buffed jaekelopterus health
Buffed sauropelta health
Ozzy 1Z St0op1d: Marlin & Tuna models and textures
ItsLonnie?!?: Alligator Gar model and texture
Music: Scott Buckley
Known bugs:
Quetzalcoatlus sometimes T-poses
Paraceratherium causes intense lag when leashed
Paraceratherium and apatosaurus generally can cause lag (probably just because of how big they are)
Austroraptors sometimes continue hunting after being told to stop hunting
Maiasaura are sometimes ridiculously fast