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MCPE/Bedrock Back to Basics

Illustrious Member Admin

Back To Basics

This addon aims to add more manual items to use to craft stuff instead of everything being inserted. It is also geared towards sky block, With its own option, otherwise creating a string from dirt is a bit overpowered when you have an abundance of dirt. Pairs well as a before machinery era.

V1.1 Update for Back to Basics, Major Bug fixes!

V1.5 Update for 1.17 Compatibility! 

V2 Update for 1.19 Compatibility.

V2.1 Compressed Blocks into 1 block, making the addon run more efficiently! 

V2.2 Updated for 1.21.20 in preperation for the hcf removal update!

V2.2.3 Updated for 1.21.30, no more beta-Api

Turn on Upcoming Creator Features

Addons Supported!

  • Bumble's_Crops
  • Natural Structures Redone
  • Tinkerer's Legacy


Starting off with sieves

Work your way up the sieve line with different meshes all giving loot accordingly to the material used.


(Crimson Sieve - Nether Specific)

When you first craft a sieve you will have no mesh in it. You will have to place the mesh that you would like into the frame.

and then Sieve!

Block Sifting Loot



Loot based on tiers, netherite has increased drop rates for valuables while first tier loot cannot be sifted.




Netherite gives improved rates of valuable ores




Diamond and Netherite both follow the iron loot pool!


Crushed Deepslate


Most of caves and cliffs block are available diamond and beyond. (Dripstone and moss foliage)



For Suspicious Gravel and Sand it pulls from the loot pools of each specific block type!


Gravel - Trail Ruins, Cold Ocean

Sand - Desert Well/Pyramid, Warm Ocean (Sniffer)

For the Crimson Sieve

-Can sift Crushed Netherrack and Crushed Nylium

-Produces nether specific items like quartz and gold and ancient debris.

-All foliage possible from nether biomes.

Manual Crusher


Crushes blocks at the cost of hunger!


Cobblestone --> Gravel

Gravel --> Sand

Netherrack --> Crushed Netherrack

Cobbled Deepslate --> Crushed Deepslate

Drying Rack - (From Natural Structures Redone)






-Rotten Flesh


Mortar Pestles

Crush Petals into Dyes! (Flowers now craft into petals)

Also Cocoa into Cocoa powder!

You need a pestle in order to use this.


The wooden barrel can make dirt and water by using saplings and leaves respectfully.

The stone barrel can make lava with cobblestone or any cobblestone related tier.


Turn On Upcoming Creator Features!!


-Fixes Recipes broken in 1.21.51 -Fixes content error log issues stemming from full blocks

This topic was modified 1 month ago by McBedrock
Topic starter Posted : 27/03/2021 11:48 am
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 05/01/2025 6:48 pm