Ban Addon! (1.12+)
Ban or kick players from your minecraft world! The player will banned from your world, so he will leave or kicked out of your world! First working ban addon!
How it works: The addon will crash the player and when the player is banned the addon will instantly kick the player if he is trying to join the world!
Feedback update: You will get feedback in the chat when you banned a player or something like that!
Watch the video (click here) (recommended) how to use the addon or read this description and follow the steps! (Link is on the end of description)
How to ban, kick and activate the addon:
- Add the addon to your world and the behavoir must be the first one in the list!
- After that you need to place a reapeting command block down and set the command block to always active (Under “Redstone”)!
- Then enter the command “/function Ban_addon” in the command field!
- If you want to ban a player enter the command “/tag [playername] add ban” or “/execute [playername] ~ ~ ~ function ban
- If you want to unban someone change the behavoir packs!
– Remove “NO HACKERS” behavior and add “Unban friends” behavior
Notice: Every banned player can join your world (If you will change the addons
again banned player can’t join again!)
-Now you need to join with the banned account which is possebile now and unban the player with “/tag [playername] add unban” or “/execute [playername] ~ ~ ~ function unban”
-If you unbanned everyone change the addons again
And by the way: that is my first addon!
Feedback update: You will get feedback in the chat when you banned a player or something like that!
How to use (video):
Please watch the video if you want to understand this addon, how to use etc. It only takes you 5 minutes! Don’t watch this video for giving me clicks, but only for understand, so I didn’t monetize the video! 
You are allowed to do:
- A review or showcase
You are not allowed to do:
- Mod this addon without my consent
- Use this addon in a Mod pack without my consent or me in the credits
- Feedback update: You will get feedback in the chat when you banned a player or something like that!
- Better download links
1.Download the behavoir and resource
2.Put the behavoir in behavoir packs folder under games/com.mojang
3.Put the resource in the resource packs folder also under games/com.mojang
If you dont know how to do this watch a youtube tutorial "How to install addons in mcpe" or "How to install addons in mcbe"
Supported Minecraft versions
1.11 - 1.12 - 1.13