Do you want to make a fence that cannot be broken even in creative? Or do you want to hold back gm1 players in a specific area? Then this addon is for you!
This addon adds a new block that is very similar to the standard barrier however it cannot be broken! When you aim at him and try to break him you just break blocks behind him. This block is actually a copy of the "invisible bedrock" that has been removed from the game. Now barrier ++ has come to replace it!
How to get barrier ++:
command /give @s sirob:barrier2_item
Also for use with commands that put directly a block (/setblock /fill etc.), usesirob:barrier2instead ofsirob:barrier2_item
/setblock ~~~ sirob:barrier2
Also, this block is not in the creative inventory. Through this block, you can hit the entity, put blocks, break blocks, arrows, tridents, snowballs and other projectile fly through it. But you cannot walk through this block, throw an item through it, and all mobs cannot walk through it (except for vex). This block can only be broken with the /setblock or /fill command.
The player is standing on the barrier++ blocks, but arrows and tridents flew through him without problems:
The player stands on the barrier++ blocks, and can break the blocks behind them without any problems:
The player stands on the barrier++ blocks, and he can put blocks behind them without any problems:
This addon only works on version1.16.100 and higher. If your version of minecraft is lower(1.14 \ 1.13 \ 1.10)this addonwill not work!
For this addon to work,enable the"Holiday Creator Features" and "Additional Modding Capabilities" options in your world!Otherwise, the addon will not work!
This addon is absolutely compatible with all other addons!
Click "Download" then when the page loads scroll down and find the "Free access with Ads" button and click on it. Then scroll up a bit and find "Discover interesting articles" and click on that. A window will appear and you click on the cross, the inscription "wait 9 seconds" will appear, you wait and then click again on the cross and it will close. When it is closed click on the gray "Continue" button and hurray you did it!
creator: sirob