Batman Add-on
This add-on took me an entire day to make and I won't regret it. I am very proud for making this and I am sure you would like it. All the items and gadgets are explained below
Batman Suit
You can get his suit by crafting with the recipe above or
/give @s pa:batman_helmet with commands to equip the suit on mobile you touch and hold on pc and console you use your quick equip button. Armour can be worn over the suit in the available slots, the elytra is retextured black to go into the chest piece slot for gliding
Grappling Hook
The grappling hook crafted like this all these items are craftable in survival no need for creative mode. It allows you to teleport where ever you desire. It does 10 damage if hit a mob directly.
The grappling hook crafted like this all these items are craftable in survival no need for creative mode. It does 10 damage if hit a mob directly.
Electric Baterang
The explosive baterang crafted like this all these items are craftable in survival no need for creative mode. It explodes every thing around it and does 10 damage if it hit a mob directly.
Fire Baterang
The fire baterang crafted like this all these items are craftable in survival no need for creative mode. It explodes fire everywhere and does 10 damage if it hit a mob directly.
Electric Baterang
The electric baterang crafted like this all these items are craftable in survival no need for creative mode. It electrocute every thing it hits. It does 10 damage if hit a mob directly.
Joker Card
The joker card crafted like this all these items are craftable in survival no need for creative mode. It does 10 damage if hit a mob directly.
Throwing Star
The Throwing Star crafted like this all these items are craftable in survival no need for creative mode. It does 10 damage if hit a mob directly.
Combat Stick
The combat stick crafted like this all these items are craftable in survival no need for creative mode. It does 10 damage when it hits a mob.
Joker has 65 health, he does 3 melee damage and 10 when he uses the joker card. You can find him spawning in your world killing every mob.
Assassin has 100 health and does 3 melee damage and 10 when he uses the throwing star. You can find him spawning in your world killing every mob.
Bane has 165 health and does 10 melee damage. You can him spawning in your world killing every mob.
The video below shows how everything in this add-on works from the suit to the gadgets
Added new addon version with bug fixes and I changed the old featured image
To install you click the link below, it should take you straight to mediafire.
