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MCPE/Bedrock Battleaxe Addon (1.19 Update!)

Illustrious Member Admin

Battleaxe Addon (1.19 Update!)


This Addon adds 5+ Battleaxes to your game. Each battleaxe has atleast one ability and very high damage. Every battleaxe can be crafted in survival to help you against the creatures of darkness. Hope you like it!

Battleaxe new documentation!

NOTE: Enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this addon!!!

NOTE: If your doing a review you are allowed only to post this addon page link don't hurt me with direct links to mediafire! You are not allowed to post this addon on other sites without my permission.

Code made with bridge.

Textures with

Battle axes!


-updated items for 1.19

-all battle axes and levithan axes textures were updated to the ones in more tools addon


-Echo Battle Axe

coming in the more tools addon as soon as I update the tools to 1.19 for the original pack(will look great with the warden armor).

When you right click(hold on the screen) it will do the warden sonic boom attack to the nearest target within 15 blocks does 19 damage points also gives strength and resistance.



-Netherite Battle Axe

When you right click it will throw one fireball and give you 3 effects.

-Diamond Battle Axe

This items gives you 2 effects if you right click.

-Iron Battle Axe

This items gives you 2 effects if you right click.

-Emerald Battle Axe

This items gives you 2 effects if you right click.

-Lightning Battle Axe (REWORKED)

Please watch the video, photos don't includ everything!

The battle axes were reworked from ground up and now will work on other players!

This item has 3 abilities, will summon a lightning bolt if you right click within 6-7 blocks, will strike all entities within 35 blocks on hit and will generate a lightning storm if you shift + right click.

-Ice Battle Axe (REWORKED)

Please watch the video, photos don't include everything!

The battle axes were reworked from ground up and now will work on other players!

This item has 5+ abilities, will freeze every entity within 35 blocks if you right click, will put every entity in ice cage within 25 blocks if you right click, can shoot snowballs wich will slow entities if you right click, will give slow effect on hit, can bring the winter if you shift + right click, will allow you to cross over the water if you right click and if you go underground and use it with shift + right click in the cave it will transform the walls in ice (WIP)(forgot to put this in the video).

-Blaze Battle Axe (REWORKED)

Please watch the video, photos don't includ everything!

The battle axes were reworked from ground up and now will work on other players!

This item has 2 abilities will put every entity within 25 blocks in hell cage if you right click, will create a fire ring around the player if you right click and will give you fire resistence on hit.

-Ender Battle Axe

The battle axes were reworked from ground up and now will work on other players!

This item has 3 abilities! Right click will teleport every entity within 15 blocks up in the, shift+right click will teleport the player in the direction he is facing and will teleport entities randomly on hit.

Other features of this pack Leviathan Axes! (right click on a tree will cut all the logs)

Hope you enjoy my work!!!

Note: these items/blocks can be obtained in creative menu or with commands /give @s sp4:item_name

Check out my YouTube channel 🙂



v1.5 Update

update all textures

added new echo battleaxe with sonic boom attack

1.19 support


Download both the resource pack and behaviour pack and click on them to start the instalation process then enable experimental gameplay in world options.

Recommendation!!! -> Go to minecraft settings -> scroll dowsn to storage -> Resourcepacks(delete my old pack) -> Behaviourspacks(delete my old pack) NOW just install the new pack.


Topic starter Posted : 13/02/2021 2:39 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 14/06/2022 3:41 pm