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MCPE/Bedrock Bedrock Earth – Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Bedrock Earth – Add-on

Hello There!

 Bedrock Earth adds some o the features from the Minecraft Earth game, starting with some of the exclusives mobs and animals variants.

Hope y’all enjoy it!



Mob Variants:

  • Cows:


  • Pigs:


  • Chickens:

New Mobs:

  • Horned  a variante of the Sheep, but is neutral until atacked. Drops horns upon death


  • Moobloom: a cow variant that spawns on Flower Forests and leave a trail of yellow flowers where it goes, Drops meat upon death


  • Muddy Pig: a pig that took a mud bath, spawns in swamps. drpos raw porkchop upon death.


  • Glow Squid: a squid variant that has mysterious aqua glow, spawns in deep oceans and in swamps. drops ink sack and glowstone dust upon death


  • Cluckshroom: a new passive mob that spawns in mushroom islands, When fed with certain types of mushroom it changes its state, it can also be sheared to become a duck. Drops duck and feathers upon death


  • Jumbo Rabbt: a big rabbit, spawns in forests. drops raw rabbit and rabbit hide upon death


  • Furnace Golem: a new type of Iron Golem that attacks monsters by shooting fireballs at then. It is created by giving a blast furnace to a Iron Golem 


  • Melon golem:  a new type of Snow Golem that is resistent to water and got more health. It is created by giving a watermelon to a Snow Golem (Sheared)


Supported Languages:


  • English
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese


More features to come…

  • Added Horned Sheep
  • Added Moobloom
  • Added Muddy Pig
  • Added Glow Squid
  • Added Cluckshroom
  • Added Jumbo Rabbit
  • Added Furnace Golem
  • Added Melon Golem
  • Added animals variants



  1. Choose the version of the addon
  2. Download the Addon
  3. Open the .mcaddon file
  4. Activate the Behaviors and Resourses in game
  5. Enjoy



Topic starter Posted : 03/07/2020 12:42 pm