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MCPE/Bedrock Beta Remover Texture Pack (All Versions)

Illustrious Member Admin

Beta Remover Texture Pack

This texture pack removes both of these features from the user interface. As a result it looks like the normal (non-beta) version of Minecraft PE and you’ll no longer accidentally press the Beta Feedback button. Also the pack creates a much clearner interface but you'll still have the flashing BETA splash text

The features beta button and beta text obviously serve some uses. For example, reporting bugs. You can still do that by going here or disabling the texture pack in-game.


  1. Download Beta Remove
  2. Open Minecraft PE
  3. Settings > Global resources > Activate pack
  4. Restart Minecraft PE

Creator: krivas

You can get a .ZIP file for this pack here.

Topic starter Posted : 08/08/2019 11:19 am