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MCPE/Bedrock Better Dispensers Function Pack V3

Illustrious Member Admin

Better Dispensers Function Pack V3

This Function Pack add a new functionality to dispensers. It allow the dispensers to place Crops , Saplings and some blocks (Currently only Concrete Powder) . It allows players to make automatic crop farms without having the crop being placed by the player.

Features :

1. Dispensers can place Crops (like wheat,pumpkin,melon,beetroot) on farmland.

2. Dispensers can place Nether Wart on soul sand.

3. Dispensers can place saplings (like oak,spruce,birch,jungle,acacia,dark oak) on Dirt Blocks only.

4. Dispensers can place Concrete Powder on Iron Blocks only.

5. Dispensers can also place wool on iron block:

5. Dispensers can now place Anvils,sand and gravel:


7. Dispensers can now break blocks too:

Drop a diamond pick on a dispenser and it will break any block below it every 5 seconds


How to install this pack?

1. Click on the .mcpack in the downloads folder.

2. Put the Behavior pack in the world folder.

3. Type ” /function installdispenserplanter ” in the chat. A command block will appear on top of your head.

4. Type ” /function dispenserplanter ” in the command block and set it to repeat , unconditional , always active.

5. Congrats your pack is installed. Have fun! 



Dispensers can break blocks (drop a diamond pick on it to make it a block breaker)

can place all the wool blocks

can block sand, gravel, anvil.



Topic starter Posted : 08/04/2020 4:32 pm