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MCPE/Bedrock Better Minecraft Mod

Illustrious Member Admin

Better Minecraft Mod


Have you ever thought yourself that Minecraft can get a bit boring after you had (couple of times) defeated a Dragon of End, collected a full house of emeralds, had won all social servers mini-games?

Or think that it all may get boring like hamster wheel in the end as you have never got any diamond? Then, please, enjoy! This add-on was made for you!


Dark vales of Herobrine lands

The High mountains biome. Forested foothills are also visible.

The castle of king in castle counties biome

The creeper lands biome whit lot of creepers and generated structure zombie house.

The weird looking creeper hills. No structures and vegetation are there.

The grassy hills biome. You can find lot of sheeps there.

The valey in Epic mountains

One of “structures” appearing in Herobrine lands

Barren Alps foothills biome

Castle counties biome populated by villagers

Better sky.


“The better Minecraft” add-on is adding lot of new biomes and structures as you may see in the pictures above.

There are things for noobs as well as for pro-gamers. You can take a challenge and try to live in creeper lands or live in peace in castle counties guarded by villager warriors.

For the miners there are high mountains where they can find ores like gold and iron or search for diamonds above ground as well.

You can load structures from this mod by using structure block in load mode. To load the structure you have to write into loading window: “castleof” to load castle, “zombiehouse1” to load zombie house,”camp” to load traveling camp anh “hute(number from 1-4)” to load villager house.

This add-on is adding several new biomes with their variants (see the list below) containing their unique structures and landscapes. Main and most noticeable of them are listed below.

Castle counties biome is very similar to vanilla plains, however containing more greenish grass and castles are being generated out there. No hostile mobs can surprise you and spawn there.

High Mountains is biome with very high peaks often higher than y-125  coordinates (highest peaks can be about y-200). To have a bit more smoother slopes foothills are added as sub-biome.

Herobrine land is hilly biome similar to foothills of the High Mountains, however with less trees. Mysterious structures are from time to time appearing around the biome.

Creeper lands and their sub biomes of creeper hills are biomes mainly made from obsidian. Lot of creepers resides there. You can find some zombie dwellings there too.

Grassy hills biome is the perfect one for shepherds. Vegetation, mobs and animals are same there like in the vanilla plains, but more sheeps can be found there.

Epic Mountains are biome with extreme large mountains.. (Not as large as High Mountains but steeper) covered with thick snow.

List of biomes

  • Castle counties
  • High mountains
  • Herobrine lands
  • Creeper hills
  • Creeper lands
  • Epic mountains
  • Grassy hills
  • Alps
  • Marshland

List of structures

  • Castle of king
  • Wandering camp
  • zombiehouse1
  • Herobrine builds- Tunnels, tnt mounds, dead trees.
  • Villager houses

Pine trees and wood

Pines are new type of wood added in this mod. Pine trees are generating in taigas and high mountains. Pine wood is very resistant to fire but by hand you can destroy it very quickly. You can craft planks and bark blocks from it. More features will be added in future.

Pine bark, leaves, wood and planks.

Naturally generated pine tree.


Steel can be crafted by putting iron into blast furnace. You can craft steel sword what is dealing +6 damage and have 500 durability or pickaxe what have almost infinite durability. Armor is planned to be added.


Villager warriors are peacefull mobs. They are guarding Castle counties biome in grups from 2-15. They have Iron helmet on their head and steel sword in their hands.( sometimes there is bug that sword in their hands is invisible ). You can hire them by giving them emeralds. If you right click on them they will halt and by another right click they will follow you (just like wolf). You can breed them by cooked meat.

One of them guarding small settlement in castle counties

Known bugs

  • Sword in Warriors hands is invisible
  • Castle is huge structure so it easily can be cutted in half by river or another structure
  • Herobrines texture is missing

If you will discover new bug write it into comments or on email [email protected]

  • added villager warriors
  • added steel
  • added new structures into Castle counties
  • Added alps biome with its sub biomes
  • Added Marshland biome



  1. Download add-on
  2. Delete any old version of add-on
  3. Import it into Minecraft 
  4. Create world and active resource and behavior pack EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY REQUIRED





Topic starter Posted : 21/07/2020 3:13 pm